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Dating Websites..

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Ive just signed up to a few dating sites, Not the usual thing i`d normally do.But in last 6 months or so ive spent more time on my computer than anywher else! It has become harder to socialise th regular way :? So i`d thought ive give it try!Why the hell have you wrote this your thinking! Well i`ll tell you, I would like to know is have any of you used a dating website? (i know some of you to young)I just wanna know your views, Is it worth it or not...BTW anybody know of any good picture crunching/compression programs?

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hahah, i like the way it doesnt give you an option of 'Never going on one'Who do you think we are djbungle :twisted:have you visited one djbungle?

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Yes ive just signed to a few dating site`s,I hear its only fat girls that get in touch with you.I hope thats not the case, Im not looking for a whale.

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lmao, i had a feeling that would be the case. I'm not willing to try... :D It didnt take you long to respond :DI've used Jasc PSP which has an optimiser thing for images, seems to work well for compression. Try it for yourself :D

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Try to look where they live. :D
It will be pretty expensive if you find someone who lives in the US or in China.
And no, I didn't use a dating service. And I shouldn't expect much of it if I were you. Just a question: do you have to pay for it?
You could try to look for a girl in here, I think there must be some UK girls in this community. Just open a thread with

Big fat ugly guy of 74 searches former miss UK for date. If you are interested, please contact me at ...
But you could try it (just remove the 'big fat ugly'). There already was someone (I'm not sure if he was joking or not) that posted such a request, so you won't be the first.

You could use photoshop to compress the pictures. It's better than JASC, but much more expensive if you have to buy it.

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The person who posted that, was kicked in the butt I think.This webite is not a dating service so. Try another place if you want to try it out. I dont know. I dont understand any of it really.

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This webite is not a dating service so. Try another place if you want to try it out. I dont know. I dont understand any of it really.

Well, we can raise topics about most other things so I don't see anything
wrong about that, but judging from some peoples response - he may live
to regret it! :wink:

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Ive noticed your all going for no, you dont want to use a dating service! is there something i should know about, or are your ego`s to big to admit you`d use a dating site...Anyway i`d thought ive give it a try, Because really when you go out to meet a you`ve never or know nothing about your taking a bigger chance on wasting time!At least with a dating site you get a rough idea what the person`s like, what their interests are, hobbys etc etc.But i know in a sense thats taking some of the fun away.Its not like im a geek or anything! Its become harder to go out and meet girls nowadays, I have a busy life.I miss being at university( I left last year)! Living in halls of residence! I met loads of girls there and had a great time and a fantastic sex life. Since then its been a downhill journey!

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I dunno, you always hear about people getting ripped off by those dating agencies.

I agree, some people are getting ripped off. But if there are a few thousands of people who use it, there will always be some that have a negative experience and they will talk about it much and post their experience on forums and so on. And the ones with a good experience won't talk about it or not that much.


I think it's worth a try. But don't pay too much for it. And most people here are to young for a dating service, so you won't get good advice here.


Just a thought: aren't there (free) forums on the internet that are dedicated to finding a date? And if there aren't, someone should create one. You could make a lot of money with dating service ads on such a forum.


A question: why do you use stonerocket.freenukehosting.com instead of your website http://www.stonerocket.net/ ? It's always better to use a domain name, I thought.

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