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deleting unnecessary content

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I think you should just leave it there. Surely its not that annoying and if you're using it in the future recreating it would be trouble . . . so . . .You can probably but I wouldn't go to the trouble.

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i just edited this line in .htaccess , so they don't show on the main index

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti* *cgi-bin* *_private*
that was the only thing, i didn't like them showing until my friend and i post our index file. it's easier for us to test our page out if there is not an index file there.

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But you could just as easily do the tests in a subdomain?

i don't understand that. those folders are an annoyance when not needed. sometimes i accidentally click the wrong thing. testing is easier when only pertinent things are showing. the subdomain could map to a directory i suppose and then move everything outside of the directory when testing is complete. i found editing the .htaccess as an easier workaround. i hope it helps someone else who is tedious as i. hehehe :D

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