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Reseller bought

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Let's just say it's something he shouldn't do!

Why shouldnt i have bumped, its a legitimate bump for a legit concern. I could see if there was an actual documentation somewhere, explaining how the process works, but i have yet to find anything.

All i see is a bunch of people saying theyre making accts, so i wanted to know when mine would be made.

I guess you could consider this a bump also.

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Let's just say it's something he shouldn't do!

Why shouldnt i have bumped, its a legitimate bump for a legit concern. I could see if there was an actual documentation somewhere, explaining how the process works, but i have yet to find anything.

All i see is a bunch of people saying theyre making accts, so i wanted to know when mine would be made.

I guess you could consider this a bump also.

Because your post was only 1 hour old. You had no reason to bump.
If no admins is online, they can't answer you. And this was only you
first and second posts. Any normal person would have looked a bit
around to see if the question was already answered elsewhere. If
you'd done that you'd have known the main admin is away and some of the
others have probs accessing whm. You posted in a section the admins
and mods always check.As you already seen,- a mod responded as
soon as he saw your post. You have purchased a reseller - yes, but
realize, that this is a community forum. Your post carry no more, no less
clout than anybody else's. If you seek individual treatment you should go
thu the support forum! :wink:

And as for not beeing able to find anything, - well, I guess you haven't
tried hard enough. I realise that when you've got your account, you want
it up as quickly as possible which means getting answers as quickly as
possible, but by forcing the issue, you're actually rinning the risk of
delaying it further.

And no, I don't consider your third post a bump.

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he was just trying to get posts to request for free hosting
No, thats spamming, and i dont think you should bump. Its not fair on the people who are willing to wait, and unfair on the admins who are trying hard to do their job. Your just a nusance :x

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LOL I remember the day when I didn't know what bump meant.....haha I think people should at least wait 24 hours before they bump their message, most wait a few days...but that's just my opinion. :wink:

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