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New version of PHP Nuke???

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Does any one know... when would be the next version of PHP nuke released??? Also any one has any ideas of the new features it would have??

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php nuke is good, but i think they rush it, and when they rush it, they miss thing's, bugs are opened, and unstibilie occures, and then the user's have to fix, but when they upgrade, they have to fix again!, i think php nuke shuld take there time, stop realeaseing versions like 7.3, and 7.4, and just got by 7.0 to 8.0 or 7.0 to 7.5, and so on, who thinks this would be a good idea!, (it be good if windows did this too unfortunately)

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and one more thing, they could realease Beta versions like XOOPS does! so they can find bug's but let it be know that they wouldent reccomend users use it for there real site

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