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I need help with my new script

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ok, i'm trying to make my own content mangemanet system, and i'm having some trouble...


I made a control panel, and the admin can change the folowing:

#1 Site name

#2 Global links

#3 Global navigation

#4 font and link colors, styles, and decoration

#5 background pic, and color

#6 You can turn off and on blocks, and you can customize them too

#7 and you can propably do some more i can't remember...


All this is done using one database and a few tables.


Problem #1:


The problem is i can't figure out how to make th script make new pages and how to change thier titles and content.


I first tried to create a new table for each page but the problem was i used blob type field for the content since it was going to be long, but then i had a problem to figure out how to alow the admin to change the content through the admin panel i made.


Then i tried a script that would actualy write to a file i would just include the file in the page, not sure if it worked or not because i had the wrong code to do that and didn't know how to update the file and not just add information.


Can some one tell me what to do?



Problem #2:


I don't know if you can make files using php and if you can i don't know how...


Can someone get me a script that would do that?



I would really apriciate help on this.

You can see the script i had finished in work here:




It's version: AN 0.1, the first version was much worse...

The admin login is:

Acc: demo

Pws: demo


Thanks alot

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well... yeah but i want to make my own script, i'l use it as an example tho.

If i wanted a really good content management and didn't want to make it i'd use phpNuke...

Thanks for awnsering tho[/url]

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