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DVD to mpeg or avi

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I'm sorry, but I very much doubt that's possible. Do you know why there are DVDs and CDs? Because DVDs are helluvalot larger than CDs. It appears you don't know much about the subject, so I'll elaborate. If you're talking about a commercial DVD, it's probably dual-pressed, which means boths sides of the DVD are read in a DVD player/DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-etc.


But now I'll get to the main point. This is the main reason why getting a DVD onto a CD-RW is simply not possible:


DVD: holds >4GB

Dual-Pressed DVD: holds >8GB



One DVD holds 6x more than a CD-RW. A Dual-Pressed DVD holds 12x more than a CD-RW. Unless you find a way to drastically decrease the video resolution, you're definately not going to be ripping any DVDs to CDs.

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I have found one good program to rip DVD video to mpeg or avi..I need it because i want to give one film to my friend but he hasn't got DVD to play it..so ill burn cd-R for him..programm: Smart DVD Ripper :D Thanx to all... :D

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