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hi allanyone had bats in yr hse b4coz i have plenty in my hse and need to know how to prevent them and what are they afraid ofi know snakes are afraid of sulphur

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hi allanyone had bats in yr hse b4
coz i have plenty in my hse and need to know how to prevent them and what are they afraid of
i know snakes are afraid of sulphur

Send for Ozzy Osbourne :twisted:

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THE STORY is told about three priests who started discussing their common problem of how to get rid of bats in their churches. The first priest said he once took a shotgun and fired at them, but to no avail. The second one said he trapped them alive and released them outside, but they came back. The third priest said, he no longer had a problem in his church. Asked how he solved it, he replied: "I simply baptized and confirmed them, and I haven't seen them in the church since then."

Here is a very interesting page on bats:
It has links down the bottom to other sites.

But basically wait until night time when they leave then cover up any holes where they might come back in. They will find somewhere else to "hang out" then they wont bother you any more. Killing them may increase bugs in your area because they eat lots and lots of the annoying little critters.

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The problem is still the same though. Just yours is a fairly smaller scale.Listen:1. All you have to do is wait for them to fly away at night.2. Seal up any place where they can get back in.Then thats it. Thats all you need to do to get rid of them They will fly to someone elses house :D or a tree or something.Also might be a good idea to make one of those bat houses to keep them around but away from your actual house...But basically wait till they leave then block their access points. Thats it, really.

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Ah yes. Well you see I didn't know that...Well um try putting something on that part of the roof. Maybe like um butter or glue or something that would annoy them and not make them want to land thereTry shining torches on them when they land, they'll be annoyed alot then eventually leave you alone.

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Good luck, tell me if any of this works. Bats fly over my house but none of them stop here. The neighbours have a fruit tree the basts usually go there for a lunch break then fly off again.

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Maybe thats what they're attracted to. Are the fruit ripe or nearing ripeness?Maybe take off all the fruit see if the bats go away.

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