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hahah ye, my tagboard is a lil plain, i just made the background transparent so that it'll use whatever background it's on for its skin.ima put up the new main layout prolly tonight or tomorrow.thanks for the feedback, darlingz!

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thanks, DJBUNGLE for signing my guestbook!! :lol: luv ya!!okey, dudez my new [main page] layout is up :D i hope all the links work LOLcheck it out! feedback is always good- feel free to criticize!

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thanks, DJBUNGLE for signing my guestbook!!   :lol:   luv ya!!
okey, dudez my new [main page] layout is up  :D   i hope all the links work LOL

check it out!  feedback is always good- feel free to criticize!

Your welcome, You have some fantastic pics/wallpapers on your website!
please join my forums

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Nice website, I like the monitor onthe first page, but maybe you could make the screen black and make a logo for yourself, the screen with the popups looks a bit umm..tacky

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thanks!!haha i tried to think of something to use with the pic/links for christina's back, bsb's, willa's, and eden's crush's page (a.k.a. my 4 main idols/inspirations --to whom the website is dedicated to) .. so i thought i'd put there pix on "pop-up ads" and people could just click on the "pop-ups" to go to their pages. i hope that's not confusing to you guys.. but YES -- those "pop-ups" are clickable along with the "BSGECWF folder" on the desktop. cuz if you put your cursor, for example, on xtina's pretend "personals/date pop-up ad" it'll say "CLICK HERE FOR CHRISTINA AGUILERA!" (if not, it should) -i thought that'd be enough for peepz to know that that are is a clickable link to each of my idols' page on my site. ... then you've got the affiliates, forums, etc.. buttons on the desktop taskbar -but that's not too hard to figure out.oo ye, i've been wanting a logo for sucha long time but i keep putting it off to make one and plus when i go try to think of one, it doesnt look okey to me. but i'm still thinking up what the logo could look like. i might post here with previews when i think of some. --thanks for that idea!

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oo haha ye, i debated about the layout alot- but im good with this one. i may just add a lil "notice" there somewhere to let people know where the clickable areas are or something to clear up the confusion. i'll think of something :D

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it looks ok i guess. not my kind of site but if you like the type. the first page loads very slow. and i am on a adsl conection so that is not the problem. it comes up in pieces. that looks bad. it would look better if you let it come in a bit blurry and than focus in, ( hope i am clear i am not native english speaking) the guest book totally dont much the site. maby you can give it a black BG too?but .. keep up the good work!

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oo ye, the guestbook - that matched better with the last layout. you're right, i should prolly change that haha!my website is dedicated to my idols and inspirations who make my life worth it - it's not really the kinda i update alot with news, etc. i just usually just update and add more to my work in my "graphic samples" page and maybe add more pictures of my idols in each of their pages - but i usually don't have alotta time for that. it's a small little personal/fansite - but you can prolly tell that.i made the layout with adobe photoshop so that's why they load in "slices". ye, you want it kind of "Interlaced" i think that's the word you mean.but i'm cool with this, i mean it's not i'm getting paid for it LOLthanks for your observation and comments! i appreciate it!

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Ive noticed you`ve changed your layout (on your site) it look fantastic, great idea with the windows theme! I can see that your well on your way to a paid job that you love doing! keep up the the good work :D Ive have bookmarked your site, i like your style, maybe i can leech a few design ideas from you... great work kaye :wink:

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Ive noticed you`ve changed your layout (on your site)   it look fantastic, great idea with the windows theme!  I can see that your well on your way to a paid job that you love doing! keep up the the good work :D  
Ive have bookmarked your site, i like your style, maybe i can leech a few design ideas from you...  great work kaye :wink:

aaaww djB - that's so sweet, thanks so much!! YAY!

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