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The Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth

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Well darklomba, my machine is 3Ghz, 1Gb RAM, and 200Gb memory, so it runs fine on mine, but that's a bad example for something close to the requirements.A better example would be my uncle's laptop. it's 1.9Ghz, 512Mb Ram and 100Gb memory and it runs it fine, so LOTR:BFME should work fine on yours I'd say so long as it's within the requirements of 1.3Ghz and 512Mb.

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The adrenalin on both minas tirith and Helms Dipp are just amazing!!hmmm.. I remember Helms dipp.. The enemy was clozing in... my wall was all blown up (along whith Legolas :D ) and their forces was just flowing into the walls...I had no hero nor soldier alive, and i had something like 2 min until reinforcement will arrive..then Aragorn was revived and he alone defended my few last buildings....AND THENNNNNNNNN they arrived!with Gandalf up ahead and a-l-o-t of Rohirim- i ran into the fortress killing all in my way- leaving non alive!ohhhhhhhhhhhhh that was such a goooood feeling....

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Helm's Deep vs Minas Tirth map is coming along nicely. I'll post some screenshots of Minas Tirth later on today to get you lot in the mood.l33tg33k, that should run LOTR:BFME, but it might be a bit slow when large numbers of units are in play.

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"Helm's Deep vs Minas Tirth map is coming along nicely. I'll post some screenshots of Minas Tirth later on today to get you lot in the mood."I just cant wait! :P

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