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Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! My PC sucks. Always getting spyware, MSN doesn't accepts my passwords, Errors all the time, a strange error message saying "Cannot prepair the plugin"! Whats the matter with this computer?Best Rega(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh)rds,Fir-Zen

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Spyware isn't a fault of the PC, but the user. The errors are caused by bad or unwanted files, folders, or programs, which most of the time is spyware. Download Ad-Aware, and SpyBot S&D, run scans, and fix everything it finds.It isn't the computer's fault, it's yours.

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I have Ad-Aware and SpyBot, but each time they delete spyware like DaFuCa, it appears again. It sucks... AND IT IS NOT MY FAULT! I usually don't make lots of downloads. By the way, go to http://forums.xisto.com/, choose downloads, and download my ToolBar. Or, in the Home Page, in the bottom, click the "click HERE" hyperlink, and in the login form, put as username firzen and in the pass zzzzzz, and test my new ShoutBox.

Best Regards,

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Have you considered looking into buying a macintosh? One good reason for buying one is that people who write viruses and spyware don't target macintoshes as much as they do pc's. Also, you can run all your windows programs on a macintosh as they are cross-compatable.

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do you ever click yes to the security popups?if so then when you click 'yes' then you are essentially telling the website that it can download anything it wants... and it can also run it too :D

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I have Ad-Aware and SpyBot, but each time they delete spyware like DaFuCa, it appears again. It sucks... AND IT IS NOT MY FAULT! I usually don't make lots of downloads. By the way, go to http://forums.xisto.com/, choose downloads, and download my ToolBar. Or, in the Home Page, in the bottom, click the "click HERE" hyperlink, and in the login form, put as username firzen and in the pass zzzzzz, and test my new ShoutBox.
Best Regards,  

A lot of spyware is simply cookies. Most of them you get from any
website that run banner ads. I let zonealarm remove all ads and nonessential
cookies and just in case some gets thru I have anoter program running
automatically every 5 minutes. The downside is that you sometimes have to
override it or make exception rules in order to access some sites,
so it takes a bit of work. But even with these precautions, I still have to run
Adaware and Spysweeper daily.

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think about getting a mac, like alexmorgan says, all this shizzit is targeted mostly at Windows platforms, and a mac causes less of a hassle then windows, u dont get viruses either :D

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