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You have many people to creating accounts but you don't have people to change something in accout like domain ect can you find some one and get the team to edit accouts ??

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You have many people to creating accounts but you don't have people to change something in accout like domain ect can you find some one and get the team to edit accouts ??

Can you explain more....

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YEs i cani want to change my domain i sent severals email but no answer i made a ticket on or in support some and answer was we don't have peolpe to editing account if you need i can editing account if you need

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Sigh!!!This is the christmas period.Most of the admins/mods are young people like yourself and have family holidays and studies and whatever, - situations, on which, they not necessarily yield a lot of influence themselves. Most of them probably have, what we with a fine word, could call a life - and guess what? - it doesn't revolve around you! If you had looked around the forum, you'dseen that almost all of them have been away and some still are. So justsit down, roll your thumbs. Sooner or later they'll respond.

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