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Please Help

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I posted this in the database thread but no one read it, so I am copying and pasteing it here, please read below and see if you can help me out.Hey I got 5 days to figure this out, ok see I got my free hosting just a few days ago, and I am going to transfer my website from my paid hosting plan with a diffrent host to my free one, well I copied all of the files and php and everything except I need to somehow copy or transfer the database from my old host to my new free website I got from here, the old host I was useing has pretty much everything the same but I had to pay, so please explain to me someone how I can someone how transfer the database from my old host to this one within 5 days of this post because that is how much longer I have left before my paid host shuts my website down. PLEASE HELP

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Yeah but dont send it to PM's like you did to me ok mate, and maybe noone helped you because they also didnt no how to do it, think about it.

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phpnuke and phpbb i can help you the rest i dunno...ok here goesphpnuke go to admin cp then backup dbphpbbside panel backup db...k done

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