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Hey I got 5 days to figure this out, ok see I got my free hosting just a few days ago, and I am going to transfer my website from my paid hosting plan with a diffrent host to my free one, well I copied all of the files and php and everything except I need to somehow copy or transfer the database from my old host to my new free website I got from here, the old host I was useing has pretty much everything the same but I had to pay, so please explain to me someone how I can someone how transfer the database from my old host to this one within 5 days of this post because that is how much longer I have left before my paid host shuts my website down.PLEASE HELP

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I think you can backup your database by importing all tables to a notepad document... and then export to these host. (but i am not an expert on this)... and sorry for my bad english :oops:

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Go to your Cpanel, make back up your database in "back up' button. Or go to your phpmyadmin (old server), click to your sql database that you want to back up. click 'export' button, save as a .sql.gz file. in your new server, go to phpmyadmin, creat database name like your old ones. in that database, click to "SQL" button, browse to you sql.gz file.

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Well I did all of that and transferd the database and now when I got to my website I get this error Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: 'banner7@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /home/warrior/public_html/banners.php on line 3Could not connect: Access denied for user: 'banner7@localhost' (Using password: YES)here is the link to the website I am trying to transfer the site to.I am trying to transfer https://de.godaddy.com/domains/domain-name-search?ci=55119to warrior.freenukehosting.comI transfered all the files and the database but what is wrong?

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well I looked through the scripts and I found this, is this the file your saying I have to edit, and if so please show me a sample of how I would edit it remember I am a bit of a noob,<?// Be sure when you edit this file that you DO NOT delete the quotation marks or remove any code. Also, do not use quotations in the variables or the site will not work.$dbhost="localhost"; // probably localhost$dbname="warrior_dbban11"; // database name$dbuser="banner7"; // database username$dbpassword="zdex7713"; // database password$ratiohigh=2; // banner views$ratiolow=1; // credits given to the user for the above banner views$referral_credits=100; //banner impressions given to a referral signup$baseurl="https://de.godaddy.com/domains/domain-name-search?ci=55119%22%3b%24bannerexchangename%3d%22Banner7 Exchange";$namefrom="Banner7 Exchange";$emailfrom="kylewallace14@cox.net";$admin_password = "zdex7713"; //this is the password to your main banner site banners ////////////////////////////////////////// End Site Config //////////////////////////////////////////$passwordretrievalsubject="$bannerexchangename - password retrieval";$passwordretrievalbody="Hi _username_,As requested, your password for the $bannerexchangename is _password_Thanks$bannerexchangename team.";$welcomeemailsubject="Welcome to $bannerexchangename!";$welcomeemailbody="Hi _username_, Welcome to the $bannerexchangename, you can log in to your account at $baseurl"."login.php - your username is '_username_' and your password is '_password_'. Please click the following link to activate your account - you won't be able to log in until you have followed this link: $baseurl"."authorise.php?username=_username_&rand=_rand_You can start earning banner views now by adding the following code to your web pages<!--begin $bannerexchangename code --><iframe src=$baseurl"."display.php?id=_id_ frameborder=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 width=468 height=78 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=no></iframe><!-- end $bannerexchangename code -->Please note though, until you have logged into the system via the URL above, added a banner and url to your account and it has been reviewed by an admin, it won't be displayed on other member sites.Thanks for joining!$bannerexchangename staff.";//////////////////////////////////////////Don't edit anything below this point//////////////////////////////////////////function totalviews(){ global $dbhost; global $dbname; global $dbuser; global $dbpassword; $link = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword) or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbname); $sSQL="select n_Value from t_Stats where s_Name="totalviews""; $results=mysql_query($sSQL); list($totalviews)=mysql_fetch_row($results); echo $totalviews;}function stripjunk($sourcestring){ $sourcestring=str_replace(""","",$sourcestring); $sourcestring=str_replace("<","",$sourcestring); $sourcestring=str_replace(">","",$sourcestring); return($sourcestring);}?>

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