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L & L Designs Jewelry Website

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Actually I wasn't asking for opinions on changing the forum colors...LOL geez, everyone is so quick to say what they think...I meant what do you think about making a forum into a website.....but seriously I don't change my selections for my website based on forum replies. I change the background alot...and I am trying to make a good winter theme.

yeah, you kind of did ask, just by the fact you posted the link under "show off your website". and if you have any hope of your business being even succesful as a hobby based business, you should develop a better attitude about criticism, esp. if its oriented to helping you improve your work

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omg, i was being nice!! i can be really not so nice just go on like this and it will happen . you can trash my work if you want to. i dont care!! really i dont. you call me a twit? what a wonderfull example you must be for your kid!! grow up! stay out of the kitchen it you can not take the heat!! :shock: i got sites yeah. i dont spend my life 24/7 on the computer. my kids come first. the computer gets power when the kids close their eyes. it seems that you really care about the opinions , why otherwise get so upset, lol!! you can see mine since you ask for it. here and here and here you can trash that, eat your heart out :D my comment were ment helpfull btw, but you need a brain to see that,.. As for calling me a twit,... you have no clue who you are dealing with..who is being personal ? the age of my kids? what is that to you?...but since you asked the youngest one is 26 months. pop my bubble? lmao there is no bubble you can pop even if you tried!! i have more people skills then you ever will get is your missarable life. you did not even see that i was giving building critizism,.. no instead you call me names and . i am not going to play nice with you. you suck at design and people skillls and probably in everything else you do. you as a person suck even more than your stupid fugly site. i try to help you and you only try to offend me. you have to get up more early to succeed in that.

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so where are you with your big mouth? got chicken?

So for further postings, if any of you have any advice that would actually be worth something, like would actually help, and not be only about others personal color choices, and background choices, please do not post, because I am not interested in that stuff.  Could all of you who have posted to me about the stuff listed above let me see your sites, or sites you have designed(if any), so I can see your choices in real visual?  

i saw some really good advice, you just dont wanna take it.
you got some serious attitude problems.

if you clean up the top thing above the forum

LMAO you really took som of my advice, you are hillarious :D i showed you links to my sites but you seem to chicken to react,
but i bet your excuse will be somethinh like i didnt havetime yet blah blah blah. what about a contest? between you and me? i dare you, ...... :twisted:

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An admin or mod should probably lock this topic to prevent a huge argument starting up. I think that ladybug has gotten everything out of this topic that she wanted or is going to, and I can feel a huge argument starting up. :|

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Wow, some serious flaming here.
:arrow: Just to say in advance, I'm trying to give advice, and I'm not here to get on somebody's case and p**s anybody off. So if anyone's going to get angry at the suggestions and ideas that I have below, just stop reading now. All cleared up? Good.


This is your business website??? Sorry, but IMHO, this site does not offer a stylish, professional, business look to it. I would suggest going to the add-ons site for any major forum (Ikonboard, phpBB, etc.) and take a look at their downloadable skins. You'll get some great ideas for making your skin easier on the eyes, classy, and professional. :wink:

For starters, bright blue is not a colour to use for a background like that. Go for something more on the grey side, or a bit paler. See how the background to this site is light on the eyes, yet isn't boring or tastless.

Next thing: do away with :!:ANY:!: animated GIFs. Animated GIFs have a very unprofessional look about them (hense why teen blogs seem to have tons of them). Your top graphic is the second (background = first) thing that your customers are going to see. Take a look on almost any professional business site, and you will not see a single animated GIF on the good ones. The rare exception is a display of their products that slowly fade in and out.

Green background Google Ads? AHH!! MY EYES!!! lol. Not the best colour to pick. :D

Your text is hard to read. Stick with black if you change the background to something easier on the eyes.

It might not be a bad idea to create a page on your awards and such. Where it is at the top is an akward place.

I want the counter actually, I like seeing how many people have been there in a day...not for others enjoyment, just mine. Most websites, even professional big wig ones have counters.

Lots of counter hosts offer small icons that appear at the bottom of the page that aren't as visible. It will also give you more information about your hits such as location, time, IP address, etc. You're probably better to use those kinds instead of the current one.

Well, that's my two cents. It'd be nice to see your website take off, get a domain and operate outside of the boundaries of a forum. Forums are useful, but they're not designed for this kind of job.

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well thats how i started, just givin some friendly advice, the result was a pissed off reply. she tried to insult me aswel as everyone else who posted a comment. some people just cannot take any critizism i guess, even if it is ment well.but the dare still goes if she's woman enough :)

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