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God ****** Dammit... I am not a happy bunny.

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Dear Sir,


What type of space are you  referring to is it webspace or email space ??  In regards to both at present there is no facility that allows you to check howmuch space you are using.


In regards to your flatrate you do not recieve and notification you have exceed your hrs and perminute charges would apply to exceeding hrs




Eircom* Net

I mean seriously, this is from the company that supplies telephone to all of Ireland. LOOK AT THE ERRORs.


And seriously, how hard IS it to make a facility to show how much space you are using?


It makes me sad that companies with money give such crappy hosting. While we have perfectly good hosts for free like Xisto.


Though, that's how the internet works. Companies pay website disigners millions to make what some 12 year old could do.




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