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I'm here, but it's not me you're looking for. You should really try to contact admin, let's hope he sees this thread.Your idea of this website is really great and i love it, but as I said, I doubt if it's legal. And music is very risky at the moment. I heared of someone who had to pay 10000s of dollars just for offering some downloads of music on his website (a small website). I know it's not the case for you. If I were you, I would send an email to some music companies with a question if it's legal (use a hotmail adress and don't mention your website).And if it's legal, put a lot more music on it and maybe buy a domain. It's worth it. It's really a good idea and if it gets bigger, you will make a lot of money with google ads if you use them to pay for everything.If it's not legal, don't advertise it too much and don't transfer the website to FNH and hope no music company will notice it.

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please don't bump old threads..if you have a .tk domain, you'll have to request a subdomain becuase .tk only offers web forwarding.now locked :D

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