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this really burns my buns...

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I got a email from the team at FNH stating they may clos the free hosting plans because they were no longer in the top ten... I go "WTF!!!"






If they ask me to vote 50 times I WILL!! WHY? Because I love the fact I got great hosting; all sorts of extra features; and 10 gig bandwidth, oh..did I mention it is FREE!!!!


They may have sent the email because if they are on top(which they should be) then they get revenue from ads, which supports this site, which supports your site, get it?


Also they know how many sites they host, and also may know who votes and who doesn't... and this could be the "wake-up call" to the slackers that just want something for free with ABSOLUTELY NO EFFORT INVOLVED.. how hard is it to vote for this site..really?


They do not ask for 50 posts, or any of the other crap that the sites that are ABOVE THEM IN RANKINGS ask for. So what if they ask for you to vote?


Something else that burns my a$$ is the fact that people say "oh their site was down xxx times; took 2 years to get my site; no reply to emails; etc, etc,etc". Well if you do not like it GO GET A PAID ACCOUNT!! Cancel your service here so they can give it to someone who wants free service and understands and even respects what the admins and guys do around here to get your site up and running and keep it running in the first place. If your site is so important that it need 125% uptime and you need a answer 2 miutes before you asked go find a paysite that will offer you this(you won't I betya) Short version STOP WHINING or go paidI came here because I heard of the great package and I needed a provider so I can host my first site. I also heard for the most part the people here were great and could help me out in getting it up and running(my first site) And for the most part I have learned a lot without even having to ask...so thanks to those who helped and never knew they did:)


In summary: FNH should be NUMBER ONE. You know it (I hope) and I know it. Help them because in the end it is helping you too.





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Yes, the other free hosting options are not good compared to FNH!

We are in the top 10 now... That's good...



Join us in this chant:


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doesn't make any sense to me why these other providers' (no names) plans suck and they get to be anywhere near FNH in the ratings, let alone above :evil: :evil: :evil: can't peeps read or what?

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It's all cause a few idiots are too ignorant to understand. There is no control of the downtime. It's fixed now. The accounts are now going through alot faster. I don't know about the other mods, but most of the time starting at 11 o'clock I make accounts, and do so until I get too tired to do anything. The moderators here arn't robots, we have lives outside the computer. We cannot stay on every hour taking requests. Since the server switch there has been ONE downtime, and accounts have been going smoothly.

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Wow :? Didn't think my post would create a chant :wink: I will still vote though..And I hope others realize that it is not too much to give back either.. Good work and keep it up... I just thought of something.. the ones that state why are you threatening us -twisting my arm-forcing me- yadayadayda..I wonder how they would feel if they were in your shoes instead of theirs having to work hard and only hearing *BLEEP*in and moaning and only time you hear something good is when they are begging for more space or asking for a site. They wouldn't keep at it.. They would say F*** You and quit..(don't do that please it was a hypotherical scenario) My point is to vote and give a vote is not much to ask for to keep their own FREE site alive. And like I said I really think this was a wake-up email en masse to the ones who have not voted at all.my 2 centsAndre

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I agree Free Nuke Hosting should be number one they got my vote and review. I've tried several others for free hosting and I wouldnt lie,its just a fact that FNH is the best. Those of you that havent voted and given a review should.

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Totally agree with you, FNH deserves to be the #1, i mean, they are the best. I tried several before FNH, and i had to either need an impossible amount of posts and get 5 mb of space, or have the ugly ads on the left, right, top, bottom, corners and middle, with a 1-pixel site. (of course i am overexadurating but u know what i mean..)


i don't know what other's problems are, it's not like end of the world if you vote and write 1 line. Is that like, so hard or something? If you want your site running, then help FNH, help yourself. (Honestly, you loose more if the'll close free accounts, than by voting for them!)



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I think the reason some ppl dont vote for FNH is because it says forum posting required, which is true, but when you say forum posting its usually a ridiculous amount, but wat tey dont know is that FNh doesnt expect alot of posts at all, in fact they don't expect many, just enough to keep the forums going really, and theres enough topics that i can just keep talking and i WANT to post more.... FNH SHOULD BE NUMBER ONE!! They are easily the best, and i don't think its much at all to ask for us to vote for them , im happy to, more ppl should know about FNH... I pity the fool who rates FNH badly, theyre obviously idiots...

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Well, I'm not an administrator, so I can't say for certain, but it is possible that you violated the Terms Of Service, or something along those lines. >_>

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FNH SHOULD be number 1!! In all of my extensive searching for a good free hosting site, they have by far been the best I have stumbled upon!! VOTE for them!!! :D

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