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Quentin Tarantino

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One of the most controversial, yet popular, film directors, Mr Quentin Tarantino. Surely most of us have seen some film by this brilliant guy, who happens to know very well the game he's playing.


What are your favorite movies or bits by Tarantino :?: Place your comments on this thread :!:

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C'mon, most of you have watched Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction.... What are your thoughts on those films and on the man responsible for those, Quentin Tarantino?

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Quentin is another director I enjoy watching. Favorite parts? Most likely Resevoir Dogs...or the completely cool From Dusk Till Dawn.


His dialogue is probably his most well known trait, (bar of course the uber-violence) it's so conversational and more like real life than many films are with their one liners and very cheesy/forced lines. It's this fact that makes many of his movies so much better than those that have tried the same thing.


As a wee note. He reminds me of Guy Richie...he has the same style of flowing dialogue in his films Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch; which are great fun to watch.

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Either Pulp Fiction or Resevoir Dogs. He has a movie coming up either in late 2005 or early 2006, called "Inglorious Bastards". I have had the wonderful chance of getting my hands on bits and peices of the manuscript- brilliant work.

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Yes he did djbungle. Great movies if you ask me. I love true Romance, he wrote the script and Tony Scott directed it. I love the scene with dennis hopper and Christopher Walken.....

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