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Blade Trinity

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Has any one seen the new blade movie? i am just wondering because i herd it was *BLEEP* but i dont know i kinda like the old one well if ya seen it please leave ur comments

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The movie was great certianly worth the price of admission at the theater. But I wouldnt say it was better then the very first one but certianly way way way better then the second one... Only things is the girl from G4TechTv is on it "Morgan Web" and WWE superstar "The Game Tripple H" to me that was the only thing that took away from it. But my son dig's it so to each there own.

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:D blade trinity is awesome, but i think it could of went longer everything happened to soon realy, old man (whistler) dies to quickly for the second time lol..anyways great movie 8)

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It was okay... at least to see once... It was indeed better than part 2, but still can't compare to part 1.... and then there's Jessica Biel.

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It has to be good because it has "The Game" Triple H in it. I heard they will be making a fourth one where he will challenge Blade for the title at Wrestlemania and win via a screwjob.

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Wow...that's good to hear, unfortunately it doesn't open until boxing day in oz, so i have to wait T.T...At least i know it wont be a let down when i go see it (all exited XD)...hehehehe

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