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Below listed all CMS can be installed in FNH. Drupal Geeklog Mambo Open Source PHP-Nuke phpWCMS phpWebSite Post-Nuke Siteframe Typo3 Xoops I don't want to use phpBB & IPB. Which CMS can be amended easly to support another discussion board?Thanks so much!

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He's not asking for which is better, he's asking which one of them will allow you to use an integrated forum, but not phpBB or IPB.

Back to question: Most all will let you do that, but I also recommend you use PHP-Nuke.. Pretty sure it will if you make a new module with an iFrame linked to your forums, unless you're some l33t (elite) PHP coder and can port a forum over to your CMS..
But then again, most of those will let you do that. I've only tried Mambo (no forums) and PHP-Nuke (with forums), and I can guarantee you you can do that.

Here's the code to create an iFrame with forums.

if (!eregi("modules.php", $PHP_SELF)) {
  die ("No access for you mister!");

$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
$index = 0;
echo"<p align="center">"
 . "iframe name="I1" src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png" height="100%" width="100%" align="middle">"
 . "Inline frame not supported by your browser (Go upgrade, lazy)."
 . "/iframe></p>";


Open in notepad and edit the URL (leave the there), save as iframeforums.php
Go to you Modules directory (PHP-Nuke) and make a new folder, name it iFrameForums (or whatever).
Now you can test this out first without actualy putting it on your site. Login to your admin and click the link in "Innactive Modules (for admin testes)."
If you decide this is for you, go to the admins CP and then Modules. Look for iFrameForums and enable it. You can also edit the text that will be displayed in Navigation.

This is a simple way to do it, I'm pretty sure there are way more complex ways but I don't have the knowlege in PHP to the extent where I can tell you about it. Still learning.

You can also edit the Error message in case the visitor's browser doesen't support iframes. ANY and I mean ANY newer broweser should support iFrames and if it doesen't (god forbid) they either have a very, I mean ancient, browser or they have iFrames disabled.

Hope it works out.

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