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Why are you threatening us?

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Today I received an email from FNH saying......"All free hosting accounts might close soon since we are not one of the top hosts on clickherefree.com"...What's this all about? Just because you're not at the top theres a chance my account will be deleted? When I signed up I thought this was a realiable host. There is no way I can afford to lose my site again. Is this threat just something to get us to vote for you, or are you really serious about getting rid of free hosting?

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well thats fcuked up, they usually are pretty close to the top, i think they should be number one but what do they want me to do? vote like 100 times? Its the level of vote that counts not really the number, FNH has more votes than any other host but the votes are like 4.5 where as the top host has votes like 4.9 and 5.I geuss they have to prove themselves as being reliable, just offering high quality services like 800megs and stuff isnt enough and people dont give them high enough ratings, then again it hasnt been thier fault for all of the mishaps with shttiy servers and alike.Oh and believe me, i still enjoy the service and have had no problems :D

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I personally think this one is the best because it requires less and gives more.

I agree, Ive never had the service im recieving now from FNH, on any other hosting site!

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Yes, I got this email. I don't think it is a "threat" because FNh deserve to be in top 10 (at least)..:D FNH provide us the best plan ever...

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It's funny to see XWH on top.... they place Ads forcefully as well. The rating system is unfair.Let's say there are only three voters for a particular site, and if the three voted 5 out of 5, will that go to top?FNH has the most number of voters as well as members.. It is unfair to have it at the bottom...

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I think it is a threat because when I looked at the list, it said that FNH was number 10. Also, being in the top ten list is irrellivant. It doesn't have any direct effect on freenuke hosting's ability to host, so what does it matter? Maybe if everyone would be patient, it will make its way up there again. However, I can tell you that deleting all the free acounts would certainly not make FNH go to the top.

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It may not have any direct effect on freenuke hosting's ability to host, but my guess is that number 10 is a treshold, meaning that if you go under you slip into a lower revenue bracket (from advertising). If this is the case, then it is of course very important to be in the top 10.Anyway, I'm just speculating........... :?:

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Some feedback from admin would be apreciated... :shock: We need to know whats really happening, and how it interfer with the service provided... All we know is FNH rank and the received mail. Some more details would be apreciated.

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Well, sending such an email is NOT the better way to be top in the ratings. I have voted for FNH earlier because I like the services here... But I just don't want to stay always under tension that my site will be closed soon and all my emails are lost....If FNH is having any plan to shut down this service, please inform us earlier so that we can take alternative measures...Hope, some ADMINs will comment on this soon.

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What like last time FNH went down, when i lost all my database`s.So i agree with vineeth! If FNH is gonna live a short life.I would like to be informed at least a week before.. Then that way i can backup my site.. :!:

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