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I just received a mail of cops@freenukehosting.com with following message: Hello everyone. All free hosting accounts might close soon since we are not one of the top hosts on clickherefree.com. Please help us to keep it up and running for all members by visiting http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and voting for us.

Will freenukehosting close or not?
If yes, i don't need to update my site farther.


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ya i also receive dis mail plz plz plzz dont close free accounts if its neccsary then stop accepting new requests but plzz dont close da older one plzz

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my ip is there for some time now :Dbut im asking friends for favor.. hehe... u should do it to!! ask few of your friends to vote best and say standard stuff.. like best host.. etc :D

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I got the msg aswell, whats the moderators have to say about this? did you know about it.Whats admin want us to do, Ive already voted 3 times! You cant exspect new members to vote for you straight away!New members should vote for FNH after thay have received their free hosting account and not before!It does`nt make it fair play otherwise :!:

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I think there's something fishy going on. It seems that a lot of ppl have noticed
that they cant vote. I think I must have tried about 20 times, yet my vote has
never been counted. I always get the message "You have recently rated this provider"
yet I cant find my IP address in the list.
Maybe they deliberately ditch come votes for FNH to prop up XWH? (kickback?). :evil:

I noticed recently, when I went to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to
vote, that every time i voted for FNH, the votecount for iFobos mysteriously went up too. :evil:

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