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I'm writing a Film Noir style script

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okay fair enough everyone has their own ways ...would you be writing to direct themnormally a screenwriter wouldn't put in any camera details

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I'm a wannabe director, so I've sort of mixed in both roles when planning out ideas...so yeah I suppose I am writing them to direct them also.I suppose also that I wouldn't trust many other people to direct what I write?It's just that I believe myself to have a (well; overactive :D) very streamed imagination...i.e I know exactly how to make whats on the paper look good (well in my opinion), yet I don't think that a lot of other people can imagine what I see in my head even if I described it in a very detailed manner. So therefore everything I write is pretty much wrote so that I can carry it out...although one of my friends; Russell Kyle, who directs/writes with me is pretty good at interpreting what I am attempting to show in a shot.

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