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I'm writing a Film Noir style script

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Kinda like *BLEEP* Tracy or The Shadow. You know what I mean?


So the villian is Tony Kohuda. He does all the usual stuff like tables, slots numbers.


And the rest is basically fill-in-the-blanks.


Whats the main characters name?? Whats the girls name? (Every story needs a dame)


And most important what is about??


Did I mention I am at the start of writing this?




The villians name is probably not Tony Kouhuda any more. Read on...

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This is a rough outline of what will happen in the script but it needs more turmoil in the middle. She needs to get really sad and he really needs to doubt his ability to catch the bad guy. What could happen in the middle, please help.opening creditsvillian is let out of jailGIRL is lonelyheist/GOOD GUY is in his office, hears the call on Poloce Radio, chases crimsGIRL is lonely (continued)/Heist getaway chase/bumps into girl, drops his buisness cards, chases crimsheisters get away, GOOD GUY is sad & goes to restaurantVILLIAN makes plansGIRL wants to see GOOD GUY againGOOD GUY goes to restaurant, villians plans are broadcastGOOD GUY runs to his office. The GIRL is there. They talk about the door on the office...the GOOD GUY has to find out where the VILLIAN is hiding out, GIRL wants to help, but it is too dangerousSecretly the GIRL follows the GOOD GUY to the VILLIANS hide outGOOD GUY sneaks in and crawls up to the VILLIANS office. The VILLIAN escapes through a tunnel and GOOD GUY chasesThe GIRL is sneaking around outside trying to find a way inThe VILLIAN suddenly pops out and suprises her, the GOOD GUY is in chase but bumps into her. The VILLIAN escapesThe GIRL apologises and the GOOD GUY is sad/angry/tired. She asks when he last slept, he groans, they go get coffeeThey talk about stuff, you know romantic things, the door with his name on it and crime/villians. they become closeThey go back to his office.A crime occurs! GOOD GUY says he has to go, GIRL understandsGOOD GUY runs out the door to catch themGIRL checks on the map where the crims are probably going, then she goes directly therechase scene-GOOD GUY,crims / GIRL gets to the hideout and goes in, over hears full VILLIANS plans, gets kidnappedGOOD GUY chases the thieves up to the main VILLIANS lairHe tries to sneak in, he sees GIRL in trouble, fumbles and crashes inGIRL is dragged away, GOOD GUY is knocked out, temporarilyGIRL overcomes VILLIAN and runs to GOOD GUY to see if he's OK, GOOD GUY wakes up, catches bad guy about to escapePolice show up and arrest VILLIAN/conflicting stories to the policeWrap up on crime (on television NEWS broadcast, probably)Sunrise. GOOD GUY says that he has to get sleep now. FADE OUTPhone rings, it is GIRL, says she has surprise for himMeeting outside the office then they walk insideThere is a new door on office, bearing both their names, they agree on a partnership.Hug/Ending__Notes:The door, they always talk about always having his name on it so he can be seperate from the world, or whatever, then at the end his name and her name are on it not underneath eachother next to eachother. Like equals now.But thats not really important, it needs more sadness, they need to be torn in the middle you know? Help out, any suggestions.

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I know that. But what are they? I dont know what to put in to make it... you know, big, sad what ever in the middle. I have no idea how to make these characters who just met, to fall out of love then back into love. So anyway what would you like to see happen in this script?

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I have no idea how to make these characters who just met, to fall out of love then back into love.

Being a detective, the Good Guy finds out the Girl had some past experiences with the Villian. Insert any of the following or your own...


Love interest; brings in the old movie line "It's all in the past *Good Guy's Name*, it's over...it's you I want"


A relation and she defends him; a fight occurs between them, before letting the Good Guy get his man...


Has fight over the Bad Guy getting away...i.e. she gets caught; inadvertently helps the Bad Guy get away. Told her not to come, to dangerous blah blah blah. Then kiss and make up after some tense and high emotive scenes.


Or any other ones like I said...

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You said you needed a way for the characters who have just met, to fall into love and then fall ut of love; before falling back in love again.


I suggested that to add; backstory and some character development as well as solve this problem you could give the Girl some past involvement with the Villian. Thus giving some background to the Girl character and also giving the Good Guy a reason to fall out of favour (have a *BLEEP* fight or whatever) with her.


I also mentioned that the Girls past history with the Villian could be found out by the Good Guy because he is a detective...


Some possible storylines of the Girl and the Villians past history could be...


The Villain was a previous love interest of her's; brings in the old movie line "It's all in the past *Good Guy's Name*, it's over...it's you I want". While the Good Guy is annoyed that she never told him about her and the Villian, therefore having a wee fight and breaking up with her in rather dramatic fashion.


The Villian is related to her and she defends him because he's her brother or whatever; a fight occurs between her and the Good Guy over doing the right thing, she decides to hand in her *brother* after thinking about the greater good.


The Good Guy and the Girl have a fight over the Villian getting away...i.e. she gets caught by the Villian after turning up when the Good Guy told her not to. She ends up inadvertently helping the Villain get away. Some shots would be of the Good Guy saying "I told you not to come, it's too dangerous for you blah blah blah". He's down that he didn't catch the Villian and she's down because she helped him escape...Go their separate ways and then kiss and make up after some drama.


A bit clearer now Gohst?

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OK, so get this. They go to the restaurant or something do that romantic talk stuff go to his office talk about his doorWait, the restaurant might come later.OK OK so here it is, first the GIRL rings GOOD GUYS office and tells him where he might catch the VILLIAN. He checks it out but screws up.GIRL is talking to her friends about this great guy and how he's going to catch the VILLIANOK so its an ambush, like a trap. The VILLIAN doesn't know the GOOD GUY is coming but he figures someone will so he sets up guards and captures the GOOD GUY but he barely gets awayAnyway the GIRL finds out the VILLIAN is still free and so she rings him to see if he is OK but he is pissed off, he thinks she set up the ambushNo wait, he doesn't know who rang him before. So the GIRL goes to his office this time to tell him some secret information about the VILLIAN because he is her brother and he told her before he went to jail that he wants to steal the AMATHEST JEWLS or something. The pride of the town sort of thing, and hold them ransom.So anyway they go to a restaurant to talk some more and thats when they get to know eachother some more.But he might say something like "I am going to kill VILLIAN" and she is like "NO!" but he goes off anyway and she wants to come too, but he wont let her. Then she goes, foils the plan like usual (like it says up there) and then GOOD GUY realises she was the voice on the phone, she set up the ambush (so he thinks) she let him escape this time. She is helping the VILLIANSo thats it, they're out of love now.How do they get back together?Maybe she doesn't reveal the AMATHEST JEWLS thing yet, posts him a letter saying meet me at the restaurant I have info. Then they meet up he is angry but he cant leave because she has info... So then they team up from here you reckon? But they dont love eachother until later they just work together, unfriendly but side by side.Well, hows that? Not bad for a train of thought...Do you understand? What do you think?

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Pretty good train of thought there. Maybe needs tidied up a little bit here and there but essentially it's all there. Glad some of my ideas could help you out mate...I like the way you sort of incorporated all three of them...I sort of had them separately...but it was just me fleshing out my previous ideas to make them clearer to understand.

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I hope mine was clear to understand. I was just writing it as I thought of it, thats why its choppy. I didn't want to fix it incase I left out something or ruined it in some way (paranoia) but I'm glad its good.Any sugestions? In genreal, I mean or on what I wrote just now in specifics?

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I'd say write out a list of shots you've came up with so far...(in that method you use above) then go through it and make a skeleton storyline.


Once you've got that worked out then it's just a case of fleshing it out, i.e, turn it into the formet...


INT. Hallway (m/s)

Camera moves down hallway focuses on Villian...etc...


From that, once it's complete and exactly the way you want it. I'd then add script to it...then you have a first draft of your movie Gohst.

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No, no, no...not just yet.What I'm saying for you to do would be to write it all out and then go through it in your head; think of time (pacing); shots...and obviously the order in which they are arranged. You might find out you would rather have a shot in a different place later on in the development of the script.That and your basic skeleton story needs more info in it...some more characters; and a few more scenes to flesh it out.

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INT. Hallway (m/s)

Camera moves down hallway focuses on Villian...etc...

wouldn't put in camera movements in script ...use we move down hallway until we see the Villian

or similar

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It's not for the script...When devising how any of my ideas will plan out I make a separate "Screenplay" of exactly how each shot will look; as well as the working script. Just my methods.This was what I was refering to...it saves me writing out medium shot/long/pan/crab...each time.I just use m/s, c/s etc...

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