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Change domain name

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Hi all,

I didn't know which category to add this thread. If it needs to be moved, please move it, but the free hosting support thread is no longer there. I also can't seem to use the free hosting support link. I can't seem to log in. I registered and I keep getting sent to the log in page.

Ok, here is my problem. I was recently accepted to have an account. This is great, but I made a typo, instead of my domain being sweetlou.freenukehosting.com, I typed sweetlou.freehukehosting.com

I sent an email to cops@freenukehosting.com explaining the problem, but have not heard back from them. I sent it to that email because I once saw to send this account an email if you need your domain name changed. I searched and tried to find a way to get this changed, but couldn't find anything.

Is there something else I need to do? Should I just wait and eventually I will be contacted about the name change?

Sorry to bother everyone, but I am at a lost of what to do.

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Thanks for the info, just a little bit ago I got an email back from cops@freenukehosting.com telling me to go to that site. It took me a while to get in there though. I thought it was broken. But after many attempts I finally was able to get in. I set up an account a couple of days ago and was just able to get in there a couple of hours ago. But, thanks for the help.Oh, by the way, does anyone have any idea how long this will take? And will I be notified or do I just have to keep checking to see if my site will work?

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It can take from 1 minute to 24 hours. i think someone are gonna respond very fast! They usally do!You will get an email to that email you did registrer with!So noo need to worry :D

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Now, I am really confused. I woke up this morning to an email saying.

This email is to inform you that a staff has responded to your support request.  Please visit our site and log in to view the response.


So, I went there and there was nothing said. Just that the support request is now closed. What does that mean? Has the domain name been changed? When I go to cpanel, it still says sweetlou.freehukehosting.com.
So, I tried to get back to the support center, now there is a different interface asking for my email and ticket number. Luckily, I remembered or think I remember my ticket number. When I enter this info, I get an error saying

You've entered an invalid email/ticket combination.

I have no idea what to do now? I guess I have wasted my time trying to get hosting here. That is a shame, I was looking forward to it. I know it was my fault for the typo, but with no information on how to correct this, I am at a lost.

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