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Windows XP slows down while ripping

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Hi there,I am using CDex 1.51 for quite a while now , mainly on W2k on my IBM T40 andmy desktop at home. I use the Nero ASPI driver which I copied into theprogram directory of CDex. Since upgrading my notebook to a) a new CDROM drive (a DVD/CDRWMATSHITA UJDA745) and Win XP SP 2 I am getting strange errors:After inserting a CD, everything seems to work fine, first. I can just markall tracks, click on "Extract CD track(s)..." and CDex starts to work. The CDROMis at maximum speed AFAIK, which is not extremely fast, but ok. After the first one or two tracks, though, the noise of the CDROM drive reducesand the ripping process seems to stop. There is the progress dialog still open,but although the current track is at 51% or 82% (or any arbitrary value) only,the "Time left" says: "00:00". Nothing else happens. Sometimes, I get a Jitter error as well, but the effect can also be seen without an Jitter. Sometime, I can resume ripping after quite a while, but most of the time, althoughthe CDROM starts to spin fast again after a restart, the ripping process stops at 88% or something. I tried to stop other processes using SysInternals process explorer, I tried to find out what is happening using ther FileMon utility, but now luck. Any idea what is happening here? I start to believe it maybe simply because theCDROM drive gets too hot and spins down, but can this be true?Thanks in advancewebjackx

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man...be free, use linux and be happy :D

you ... ****************************************

it has nothing todo with OS...

the best what you can do is try reinstall if that dont work call company and ask.

ps i use nero to and it has some problems to..

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