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Free Mmorpg?

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Sherwood is kind of bland but hey I like it....it's coming along slowly (Like they just added another island to sherwood, an arena one) but you gotta know with me I have dial up and a slow computer so there isn't many mmos that I can play that work well without a 30 hour download or without super lag or without whatever else there may be....idk....

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well they are a lot of free mmorpgs out there:Cabal Online:it's cute u have a many skills but it's hard to get them, and free it is hard u have to pay to make things easyer. But it is fun after u reach lv 50. depends on how much u play but u can get to 50 in one week.Archlord:nice graphics for a free mmo but all you do is grind. it can be fun because u can fight 6 7 or maybe more mobt at a time with aoe skills, and the mobs spawn very quickly so u don't have to walk long distances for a new one. has an auction house.Cabal:nice but u have to be a grind master after a certain level it's really hard to lvl and boringWOW, lineage on private servers. for wow trie to find a good private there are some but on others it just not worth it.and the former space cowboys (i know... gayyy) now it's called airrivals. it is an mmorpg combined with an arcade flight simulator. it's lots of fun

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As I have suggested on another thread you should probably try Mabinogi by Nexon America. The game itself is actually quite rich as in innovative. Your character can actually become skinny or fat depending on foods eaten. Of course normal routine of working out reduces your fatness and gain muscles etc. Regardless it holds the main points that makes any MMORPG fun and that would be massive boss fights, lots of missions, cash shop (in case you would like to pay for the additional services), skills and party fun. You should definitely try it.


Edited by Unknown_99 (see edit history)

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Mu- sucks, but it's great if u want am colorful mIRC.Zu- kind of fun, has some nice features, but kind of weird, i did not like itAtlantica online-GREAT u see your character in 3rd person mode while u roam the map but in fight it's like heroes III. turn-based and u can have a maximum of 9 units. It's very strategical and fun and the pvp it's like heroes on lan all day :P great content and artwork.Runes of Magic- kind of nice just keeps amazing me more and more, u can see it as the poor mans WOW, cause the graphics are almost the same. But it differs in game play cause u can have a primary class like a rogue and a secondary letz say priest and u can switch between them etc etc. Also u have a house and guilds have castles and u can have guild wars at castles and there are going to be wars between servers. +some new ideas and features. Cabal-boring till 70 and still boring after 70 if u don't have a nice team to play with. Kind of old for the new games around.Metin2-kind of fun, the graphic is ugly, small community, but fun in a way :PRegnum- great it has a feel of a old school mmo (it is one) :P u lv quite hard cause the mobs are hard to kill, but the pvp is great.Ryzom- p2p until closed it's gonna be p2p again but now it's free with no cash shop and nothing until it goes p2p again. It's a sandbox type of mmo, outpost battles great crafting system.Tabula Rasa- free until 28 feb when it closes.Silkroad online- great skills great pvp nice graphics, but u have no chance lv-ling and winning in pvp without the cashshop so it's not quite free :P in my opinion u should stay away from this one.Airrivals- Space Cowboys Online, kind of fun with ships, and it's a rpg like game but u control the ship and shoot mobs like in a shooter. pvp it's great cause it leads to 200 guyz shooting each other while defending the mother ship. u have 3 or 4 types of crafts which are like classes in this game. great funThese games are osome of the games i played and i still remember, there are others but my memory fails me. I really recommend Atlantica online and Runes of Magic.

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I used to play "Perfect world" You have to download it, All it is, Is a game like World of Warcraft but free... I am sure many of you will like it :D.

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Ash - Yes, I've played it. It's pretty cool but you get bored after a while.

Also I could say that Lineage2 is a nice MMORPG, I've played this too and I was pretty caught a while.

Well and here is a game which you don't have to download :

Advernture Quest Worlds. It's a free Browser-based game. I think in the near future will be better even than Runescape. It's basically the same but made in Flash. Also the game is updated every week with events, monsters, maps, weapons, pets, armor, classes and many other things. The game is made by Artix Entertainment which also has made : Dragonfable, Adventure Quest and Mech Quest.

That's all I can say about MMORPGs because I don't really play so much, but take a look at the games listed :D.


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