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How to set-up a database to record info

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If I set-up a feed back section on my pages such as the example below how do I record the results in a database?

** scroll to the bottom of the page.


I need to record the feedback and don't know how. Please help me.

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Well, it's late, but I can give you a quick overview of it. As to setting up the database, I haven't gotten acceptance yet, so I couldn't help ya there. I'm assuming you just go in your cpanel->mysql databases-> add database.Now you have a database... you need a table :D phpMyAdmin can help you there or you could write the code on a php file and execute it online. Once again, I haven't been able to see what the cPanel looks like, but under phpMyAdmin, go under your database and try to add a table. Here, you need to specify how many fields you're going to have.Let's say you have a database of visitor info. You might want to keep track of visitor's name, ip address, how many times they've been to your site. So you'd need 3 fields.Anywho, once you figure out how many files you need, you need to name them and specify their types. You'll most likely be using VARCHAR which is essentially a string. So if you make a field VARCHAR with size 30, it can have a string of 30 characters at max. Others are INT for integers (numbers). So, you just name the fields and specify what types you want them to be.Now your table is setup... It looks like the user will submit a form. So, when you set up the form, you'll set up possible values for form variables. Once the user clicks on something or types in something and finally submits it, then that info will be sent to another page (php or something), then you'll write SQL code in there that takes the form variables and inserts them into the sql database :D So yeah, in this page of php code, you'll have to write SQL code in it to insert the data in your table you just created :D I don't remember the code off the top of my head, but there are tons of tutorials. Look up "MySql INSERT." That should help ya.I hope this helps!

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Well I can supply you a script. Which is my guestbook but I can easily make it into a feed back section for you!I will include the following:Name:Date:Message:Which is simple to do.It is very basic as I am a n00b at php and mysql.

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