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I remember mentioning the need of having a TOS. Now that we have one, I liked it most when there was none. :DHey, I know the rules stated have to be strict, to minimize the probabilities of someone will risk to abuse. But isn't that a little too strict? Specialy for paid accounts.I mean, since when torrents are illegal? I remember asking about it and some administrator told that I could host it if I really want, but to be aware not to evidenciate any illegal stuff. I never planned hosting torrents, but who knows if I got a forum, I may want to post one or two for packages of pictures, for my friends for example. Or maybe ed2k links...And about mp3, midi or any other kind of sound format? Those will stay legal while not copyrighted or with copyright permitions. Specially midi, for if I create a melody that sounds like a copyrighted music, I have the right to publish it anyway. Why not allowing it to be hosted? Following that kind of idea, nothing could be posted. JPG, for example, also have copyright issues, like any other hostable stuff.Also about payed hosting, about the billing, I heard that sometimes the entities that deal with the transaction of the money, take weeks to accomplish... if it is so, we may have a problem on getting the money there in time. You should have a more reasonable deadline. There are other few things that I not fully agree, but still more than acceptable. These that I mentioned are my concern.I'm not really complaining, but need some answers: Will it be strict, or a bit flexible? (You don't wan't to play ThePlanet, do you?)And also, are there any chances of rules changing by request in certain cases, like for example, a composer to publish its own work?Thank you!

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Torrents arn't illegal. Nor is Kazaa, or any filesharring program. It's what's being done with them is illegal. Most transactions that go down with torrents are indeed transfering of copyrighted software or media. From Admin's point of view, it's safe not to allow them at all. However if you're transfering legal files over torrents, they should be allowed. But no one has all the time in the world to check every uploaded file.I'm on the same page with you for MP3's. I really wanna get some of my band's music/my own drum solos on my site.

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