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How many Sites Does FNH host?

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So far FNH have hosted 300+ sites.....equals to hundreds and thousands of gb...

Would equal, IF everyone used their full space. I assume there isnt really enough space for everyone's full 800 meg, but with so many sites as it is, i bet the admins can see if need for more accumulates and then do something.

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Most users will never use 800 mb, so the the unused part of ppls allocation is simplypart of a big dynamic pool, where users dip in to as required.
For the same reason, there's no set amount of users per hdd. It simply comes down to 
a judgement by the admin.  :wink:

Yes, people will never use 800mb right now but in the future, yes...:D

i'v filled it, and had to delet stuff, so i have no clue what you guys are talking about, (i'm a big uploader, i like useing every portal, phpnuke, xoops, w/e, every forum system, invasion, phpbb, VB, IB, and i make my own stuff, aswell as upload high quality stuff)

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I, myself cannot use the allocated 800MB of space. But I think it's great though maybe I'll be needing some space later on. Who knows? So, I think 800MB is okay. Not too big for a small site!

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I still think that FNH accepts applications too easily. Some people only wrote like one sentence and they got the host. Most of these account ended up in the trash.

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