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yeah coz its a free program

Would you create a site like that and get nothin in exchange ???



I guess this is all about freebies and thats what you get


I think its cool for ppl who need more traffic to their websites


Plus if you get a paid account you doest have to put their ads coz they give you free points without having to show their ads.

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yeah coz its a free program  Would you create a site like that and get nothin in exchange ???

No I wouldn't, and that's my point. If I get something in return, it's no longer "free"!

I think its cool for ppl who need more traffic to their websites

I think it's likely to decrease traffic. If you leave a site and get a popup, you are less likely to come back!

Plus if you get a paid account you doest have to put their ads coz they give you free points without having to show their ads.

lol. But then it's not free - is it? :wink:

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lol. But then it's not free - is it? :wink:

i guess if you would read the post carefully you would have see that i said 2 programs that are : free and paid....



lol and not to mention i didnt ask your opinion !!! :P


If you dont like it just dont use it, dnt try to act like a forum ***** !! :P

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You're right. I missed that detail. You could have mentioned that in your response, but instead you stated:

yeah coz its a free program

I am merely pointing out that the free option has a hidden cost! So who's the *****?Anyway, I assume you started the topic in order to get some kind of reaction! :wink:

lol and not to mention i didnt ask your opinion !!!  

No you didn't, but it's free(really)!! :P

On another note, the wheelchairguy in your avatar - what is it he is doing? :?:

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I suppose that is an affiliate link, place your cursor and notice the status bar... may be you get paid for a click or referring other webmasters....Besides, it sounds scary.. like virus... stuff

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If I understood it correctly, you sign up and they place an ad on your website(as a popup).Then, as a lot of ppl visits your website and see the ad, you are earning points which is converted in to popups(with your ads) on other ppls websites. It's not a nice name, but, it is just a name. It won't leave any virus'es no your system - (I hope). :wink:

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yeah im tryin it !YOu got a prob with that !!It looks like our great community is full of forum whores watchin topics to flame them. Next time im goin to find somethin im gonna stfu.You guys r lame, if its not cool for ya, STFU and go to another post..Maybe i should look for your guys lampost and give some *BLEEP* commentary to them.

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