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Looking for admin for my site

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Ok im going to give free PHPBB forums and am going to have a site/forum on it. and i will give 1phpbb theme of the users choice installed for them and easymod instaled for them. and i will be looking for amdisn that know how to install phpbb theme's/easymod(a phpbb mod, it takes 3minutes to isntall.) So if you want to help or be an amdin pm me, i have AIM and my AIM is Euroracing04, thanks.

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if you want i will, but if to do the stuff that is in my forums, you will need to upgrade to phpbbfm (not really hard to upgrade... i can do it for ya if you give me a ftp acct with access to the phpbb folder)

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winbots do you have like AIM or something? or AOL? becuase if you have AOL we can still talk over or whatever. or you can just creat an AIM account and use AIM expres no downlaod/installation needed. And what else do you know Winbots? i mean not much is needed like as in knowing stuff or having any expeirence but you just have to know what your doing. i mean this isnt going to be like profesional or anything like copyrighted or any of that but im just basicaly giginvg free phpbb forums away so...

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alright. I dont have MSN and i cant isntal it so i cant contact you by there but i gues whenevr your on AIM. but im aboutto get off now because i have homeowrk still to do and i gotta study. i might be on at like 3:00 tommorow. i live in new jersey, in the US, and i forogt like what gmt time or whatever that is. but anyway whenevr i catch you on one of those places we wil talk i guess.djbundle: oh sorry i forgot to reply to your post, i gues you can be mod, but i would like to see you or whatever for like at elast a few days then i would have no problem modding you. since im pretty sure i wil be down on moderators. we will see. just dont forget to check back at this post.

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djbungle: oh sorry i forgot to reply to your post, i gues you can be a mod, but i would like to see you or whatever for like at elast a few days then i would have no problem modding you. since im pretty sure i wil be down on moderators. we will see. just dont forget to check back at this post.

Understood, what do you mean by i`d like to see you? i live in england.
get in touch dude, pm or email me......

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itts about phpbb webhosting. Im going to give free phpBB forums out. and i need help from people to create forumsa nd mdoing our forum.

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