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Area 51

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Well I know Area 51 is real. However, I'm not sure if that those working there claim is fact or fiction. It's real interesting to study and look up information on, but I kinda doubt their claims are true, but there's no way to know for sure without going there and finding out for myself. But for that you kinda have to work there and go through the ranks.

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i have to agree with meeko on his post, AREA51 is real and there is no doubt.But is there really somethin in touch with UFO's ?? IDKMaybe yes , maybe no, maybe will never know ...........

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I use area 51 in one of my fake news stories. Most stories (all) you will find on the web are totally invented by the writers, the ones who wrote it don't believe in it theirselves. I read a few articles about it and they were definately invented.The chance that I am an alien is higher than there are aliens at area 51. But you can never be 100% sure. :P

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Area 51, or Groom Lake Airforce Base, most certainly does exist. however, do i believe that the goverment has crashed ufo's and aliens there? hardly. groom lake is merely a product of the cold war. a concealed, desolate, and easily guarded location for R&D of new, top-secret aircraft (something done by nearly every government in the world).so far, he only "evidence" i have heard regarding aliens and ufo's at area 51 is thatthe government keeps what is there secret. they also did that with the manhatten project (a-bomb development), to the point that the teams making it were seperated and didnt know what they were making. hardly what i call conclsive evidence

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The only reason area51 was created, is to detract the attention of area52..

i would have though it would have been to is to detract the attention of area50 ...seeing as that would be the logical way to go :?

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I have information (i won't of course give out my sources) that the us government started naming them down from area 347. Areas 330 to 122 were skipped to save money on printer ink costs inehrint to the paperwork. Area 121 was a special project funded by almost all governments of the world to try and build highly concealable nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, the project was a miserable failure and instead carrots were invented.Right, to get this back on track.What is up with that area 52 thing? As a person rather far from the states etc. i don't know much? Will someone tell me their own opinion/take on the matter. Is it something like what i hear about roswell? Folklore and myths?

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Area 51 is real, there are real pictures of it all over the map. Here a link to a site that proves it(along with satellite imagery): Area51. Now about aliens being there I think that thats a bunch of crap, and its not true. Secret aircraft projects are a yes though, they confirm that they have made the top secret aircraft there like the U-2.

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Area 51 is the location of annual intergalatic world dommination talks between hostile aliens races & oil drinking george w bush & co..Its true, believe me! I read it in space cadet monthly magazine..

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Here's how it goes Area 51 is not accually in the US but in Canada and they are deep underground making bombs and nukes and stuff like that and Area 51 is just cover up all it really is is a building in the middle of the area and there some gaurdes and cameras. But thats all and there's one alien peice that was preseved and thats all they found but there is space ships and there is aliens but they are accually partners with us and if you have seen the movie Men In Black the first well it's a lot that.MACMAN :twisted:

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Of course is it real! The question is "what are they doing there"?Do I believe they have aliens/alien spacecrafts there? Idunno -I find the notion, that humans should be the only intelligent speciesin the universe, completely unrealistic - so I guess they could have aliens there.But as long as they keep 'denying nothing' and 'admitting nothing', we won't know - will we? :wink:

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