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PHP-nuke theme

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Edit your index.php

Find this code I think:

<body background="themes/Aqua5/images/misc/fond2.gif"  text="#000000" link="#363636" vlink="#363636" alink="#d5ae83">1

Then delete the one , save it and upload it back..:P

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Firefox sux!support WC3 standard IE!BTW:Did u know that netscape(or Mozilla) started the browser war?They created lot's of rubbish tags like layers so as to gain popularity

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Firefox sux!support WC3 standard IE!BTW:Did u know that netscape(or Mozilla) started the browser war?They created lot's of rubbish tags like layers so as to gain popularity

What are you talking about??? IE has it's own proprietary DOM (document object model), which doesn't work with any other browsers. Mozilla and Netscape are different. Netscape DID use layers a while back, but that has gone down the drain a while ago, and Mozilla NEVER used it. Mozilla implements the W3C DOM exactly, while IE only supports some parts of it.

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FireFox is MUCH betetr and FASTER to if you hack some variables. wich enabled PIPELINING,IE has major security holes and supports not as much as firefox does. IE just sux. i find FireFox's interface alot better to its much cleaner and its easy to if you get to used a little

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FireFox is MUCH betetr and FASTER to if you hack some variables. wich enabled PIPELINING,IE has major security holes and supports not as much as firefox does. IE just sux. i find FireFox's interface alot better to its much cleaner and its easy to if you get to used a little

whats pipelinign
i juz know it is a lot faster....lol

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