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oceans 12

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hey guyz ant 1 here seen oceans 12? i saw it yesterday and i gotta tell you it wasent as good as the 11 but its very good go c it and tell me what u think

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the main question is : Should I really pay 10 $ to see it ??


I tough it would be a nice movie, but yur comments are not really inspiring me !


Plz dude tell me what you really think of it i want to know if i MUST go see it!


Thx :P

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i think u must go see it and its definitly worth the 10 bucks i think but as always its really not as good as 11 i think its because they were written by differnt people if it was the same writer 12 woudl be better!

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First off I have seen Ocean's 11 like 8 times, and I'm still learning something new that I didn't notice before everytime I watch it. I saw Ocean's 12 last night with some friends and I actually knew what happened at the end of the movie and how they did it unlike the first movie. Thats the only part that I regret of the movie, I thought it was nice. 8)

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First off I have seen Ocean's 11 like 8 times, and I'm still learning something new that I didn't notice before everytime I watch it. I saw Ocean's 12 last night with some friends and I actually knew what happened at the end of the movie and how they did it unlike the first movie. Thats the only part that I regret of the movie, I thought it was nice. 8)

Same here, but I still had problems with the end. I found that they explained too much in the 5 minute time period of the end.

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They are very different.Oceans 12 is a bit more of a mystery until the end... in that in 11 you know what the common aim is - oceans 12 moves a lot quicker i think - with many more sub plots, you dont know what their aim is as clearly...I thought that some of the explanation at the end was a bit ott, with the laser scene being my own real criticism in that respect.If you've seen 11 then you should definitaly see 12, as they compliment each other very well. 12 is a great film, but 11 is awesome too.the poll should have 'both the same'

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Both are awesome movies. But I think Ocean 11 is a little more entertaining. I think their mission in Ocean 11 was more fun than in Ocean 12.

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I saw the movie and would have rather burned the cash I spent to see it. It's slow, long and boring. Not even 10% of the action as in the first one.

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Ive not seen oceans 11 yet, dont they rob a bank in the movie?Whats the new one about? that the same but different bank or rip-off job..

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I just watched it recently....I like "Ocean's 11" better for 2 good reasons...1. Better, less complicated story2. Seemed alot more fun for me...Hehehe.... :mrgreen: Ocean's 12 was way too complicated a story for me....And they just talked and talked alot....I couldn't keep up as well (forgive me, I'm only a 15 year old)....And when I finally got the story right, I didn't find it too interesting for my taste....

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