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ok i have a pice of code that loads an IP and a discription to a list box from a text file and nomaly it should load the full ip (like 23.435.12.34) but instead it will load 23.435 can anyone help here the code

Private Sub Form_Load()Open App.Path & "config.txt" For Input As #1Dim stra As StringInput #1, stratxtPath.Text = straDim fora As IntegerInput #1, DICountIf DICount = 1 Then    Input #1, IPs(1)    Input #1, Descs(1)    lstServer.AddItem IPs(1) & " -" & Descs(1) & "-"Else    For fora = 1 To DICount    Input #1, IPs(fora)    Input #1, Descs(fora)    lstServer.AddItem IPs(fora) & " -" & Descs(fora) & "-"    Next foraEnd IfClose #1'DICount = 0End Sub

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