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How to make money with your website?

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Most of the users of FNH have small websites, but I suppose some of them are getting steady amounts of traffic and they could try to make some money with it. I'm currently trying to do this, but just to try it out. (you can view my ads on http://www.crazy-news.net/ )You certainly don't have to expect a lot, but I think you'll be able to pay for a domain with it, after a year, if you are lucky and have a few thousands of viewers a month.Here are my tips:The big problem is that most networks don't pay you unless you reach an ammount of money. For google-ads it's 100$, for most others it's 50$. Clickxchange is the one I try, and you get paid whenever you want, but they charge 2$ for the check. But they don't have quality advertisers. Fastclick is also a good network (pays at 25$), but it's very hard to get accepted as a new website. (Note that at most networks you need an own domain)The best ads for small websites are CPC (cost per click), where you get some money for every click. (like 0.05$) The CPM banners are mostly annoying pop-ups and for pay per lead (or a % of the price), you have to be lucky that someone buys something at the advertisers website.You can also try at amazon to advertise for some books, but as I said, you have to be lucky that someone buys a book after he clicked your link.If you have other tips or comments, post them here.

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I would recommend posting some links. Also you never said which type of ad YOU preferedAlso I believe there is an ad place called clickster that does the job, I have seen them places. THey are just like google ads but I'm not sure about the amount of money you have to reach.

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make sure to build traffic before you can make money. you need to get up in Google by using the right keywords. a great suggestiontool has been created by overture.

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I don't like pay per lead and percent of the sale ads. On this moment pay per <- snipped -> are the best for me, because I think some users will click on my ad. But the CPM banners (pay per thousand views) is the best if you get a lot of money per thousand views and if the ads aren't popups or popunders. Fastclick ( http://www.conversantmedia.com/ ) is a network that has good ones, but I didn't get accepted by them, probably because my site isn't indexed yet by google. And I heared that's it's hard for small websites to get approved by them.At this moment I prefer CPC, is my answer.And about getting a lot of traffic, I think that discussion has to be in another thread; I'll create one right now.}

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