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I think we should update the Illegal.lst to have it list the actual kind of illegal stuffs FNH doesn't tolerate, instead of the potential users.... :?What do you think ?

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It seem 2 me its a good idea 2 put up a does and donts list at the beginning of requesting hosting... (sorry for the poor english haha)

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I think we should update the Illegal.lst to have it list the actual kind of illegal stuffs FNH doesn't tolerate, instead of the potential users....  

I agree. It doesn't seem to work anyway.

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I would also like to know what the exact files are you don't want on your servers. Would be very helpful, although I know I won't be doing any Copyright infringment anyways.

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I would also like to know what the exact files are you don't want on your servers. Would be very helpful, although I know I won't be doing any Copyright infringment anyways.

you cannot hostwarez
anything illegal

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If you had read the ToS you would find it says:


You are not allowed to host :


copyrighted files.

Child Pornography on the Internet

Adult Content

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tmtuan posted a link to a FTP which containted illegal downloads. I have removed the post. Others be warned.


Just found a topic on Porn. Just posting this so it'll remind me to tell Admin.

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does this mean we can upload legal music files (incl. music u made urself, music from other ppl who u have permission to distribute)??torrents are actually legal, and there is nothing illegal about torrents themselvestorrents were actually designed to save bandwidth off servers for websites, but its just that some1 saw it as a good way to trade pirated materials with it, and more ppl started...well demos r legal, but normally, u need to fill in forms etc etc or the company knows where you got ur demo from, so they have records (eg. front disk of pc mag) , so its better not to distribute them

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Valid point there chess. You can upload music files you created - or who you got permission from - as long as you state who's permission you got and how to contact them for verification, such as an email address. You need to write this in a legal.txt file in your directory so an admin can check it.

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