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suggestion for forums managment

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here is the deal..i guess u all will agree with me when i say that this forums r way too messy and there is alot of moderating work to do here.problem is that all mods and admins r moderating all of the forums so they cannot agree about sorting it.. every1 has his own idea.i have alot of XP with forums and what works best (in my humble opinion) is that every single forum (like: books, electronics, HTML, design, chit chat....all of them) have its own moderator or maybe 2 if its too much used like "chit chat" or "free hosting support".so every of those moderators will manage only their forum or few of them if they r less used. they will write rules for their forum and also they will have more time to concentrate on same and manage them. trust me this work best.also doing this will show who is good meoderator in very short period and show off bad ones.thanx,ps. ill use this oportunity to nominate myself for mod, as i would like to b 1 and help u in sorting this forum.

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here is the deal..
i guess u all will agree with me when i say that this forums r way too messy and there is alot of moderating work to do here.
problem is that all mods and admins r moderating all of the forums so they cannot agree about sorting it.. every1 has his own idea.

i have alot of XP with forums and what works best (in my humble opinion) is that every single forum (like: books, electronics, HTML, design, chit chat....all of them) have its own moderator or maybe 2 if its too much used like "chit chat" or "free hosting support".
so every of those moderators will manage only their forum or few of them if they r less used. they will write rules for their forum and also they will have more time to concentrate on same and manage them. 

trust me this work best.

also doing this will show who is good meoderator in very short period and show off bad ones.


ps. ill use this oportunity to nominate myself for mod, as i would like to b 1 and help u in sorting this forum.

Brilliant idea, Hrvoje. Yea..I would think that you will be a good mod..:P

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I think Naz would be a great mod also.

he is online enough *cough,spamer,cough* :wink: to b one and looks like willing to do it...
i think will is most important, then comes knowledge.

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From what i have seen during my few weeks on the forum, Nazrin would make an exxellent moderator.He has my vote, not that there would be a poll or anything :P

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Hrvoje and Nazrin, for what its worth, my opinion is that you both have what it takes to be excellent mods.

Plus, it seems that some mods will suspend its work soon, some one have to come in. I believe this is an excellent oportunity both for you guys and for the quiting mods. Its sad some good mods have to go, but we are lucky because some other good ones are ready to take position.

Now its on Admins hands.


By the way, and getting back to the initial subject, Hrvoje, your idea seems to be a great solution. :D

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yeah, this forum must evolve towards that solution. for instance, the chit-chat section is full of posts that belong to other sections, and they should be moved... and, of course, specialized moderators equals eficient moderators! :D

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hey, I know that this post was a little bit buried, but I really think that hrvoje had a great idea that should be used. There should be specialized moderators, responsible for one or two forums - the place would be much cleaner and mods could do their work a lot better, in a more efficient way. There are a lot of regular user, with 100+ posts, and they surely could pull off the job, I wouldn't mind helping too. It's just that some threads are out of place for ages, and it's a pity, because this is a great forum and it'd get better!


Cheers :D

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But then there will be people who want to moderate more popular sections of the forum.

Good point. That's true indeed, but the final decision is not theirs', it's the admins'. you could say, for instance, that you're willing to mod that or that forum, and if it's ok with the admins and everyone else, so have a go it. If another fellow forum member wants to mod the same forums, as I said, it's up to the admin to choose. Of course, to mod "the more popular sections" envolves more work :D

This forum would win with this arrangement, although I must a agree that it's not 100% necessary at this point, but will be someday, sooner or later.

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