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Circuit bending

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Circuit bending is the idea of short circuiting a electronic implement to make it do something else that it was not meant to do. It is mainly practiced for artistic sound production.

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Yeah, circuit bending is where you get like a toy that makes music or sounds then you open it up to see the circuits and you make new connections to the wiring inside. So you sorta mess it all up. Then you close it and press the buttons like usual and instead of the sounds following the usual path, to make the usual noise, it follows the path you made and it makes a random noise. A new noise completely alien to the original device.Does that help, or the other explianation? I hope it does.

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The description you described is realy circuit modification. If you change a capacitor or resistor in a timing circuit it will change the length of the time. If this is deployed in an audio circuit say an alarm or siren driver it would alter the pitch and or lenght of sound. If you dont know what you are doing you will destroy components depending on what the device is you are modifiing. The term circuit bending is probably used by people who do not design, manufacture or repair electronic products.If you know what you are doing you can make something completely different from what you started with. If you play with the right part of the circuit you do little damage.Switch mode power supplies will kill people so dont mess with mains stuff!Tom

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Sounds like you're down with circut bending man thats great. I havent started yet but I've got soldering irons and little spanners and things so it should be alright.What do you think the difference between circuit bending and circuit modification is? Could you explain it in the simplest terms possible please?

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where are you located in aus are you near brisbane or else where in aus.In the past I designed, modified and repaired many things as I said earlier they both mean the same thing one is a term for techs and one is for people who are not.there is also a device called a sound bender you are not thinking of this are you. this device can sound like dath vader or a darlek just buy turning a potentiometer which is a variable resistor.I am at the stage of frequency meters, cro's (ossiliscope), frequency counters and multimeters. I remember starting when I was 10.good luckA word of advice get a multimeter and make sure you use lead free solder if you can get it.Tom :D

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ugh too many big words.Whats wrong with lead soldier? Is it just fumes or something? or does it make less good quality sound?I am not thinking of one of those voice changers. you can get them at toy shops and sound like Steven Hawking, but no I am not thinking of those. I am thinking of opening up a toy and putting new bits in to make the noise different when you press a button on the front of it.I am in Newcastle, by the way.And so Circuit Bending and Circuit Modification is the same thing. Like "five dollars" or "five bucks" ok i am cool with that.

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safest way to try circuit bending! Get hold of a 9v electronic organ kit from dse in the funway range. after you have completed the project probably 10 mins (experienced) if you can solder well. Instead of using the wire to short out different resisitors to get different tones use your fingers to short out the conections to make a sound. This will vary according to presure and moisture and salt composition of the skin. Your skin and body is a variable resistor in some respects and a capacitor in others, as you know from science and nylon floors static electricity is also produced.This kit is powered by a 9 volt battery so the chance of being electrocuted is not possibble.Tom

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I know that :roll: I'm not a dummy! I read the website about doing that sort of stuff its interesting to me to see what can happen.

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