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Okay, I'm kinda new here.......actually I'm almost as new as you can get. I was looking at the stickies, used the search button, and "leafed" through the forums


Anyway, I was wondering, I am not quite sure how things work here. We can just request for a hosting account and just be kinda active in the forums? There's no other requirements?


The second thing I want to ask is can we upgrade our accounts? Id est would it be possible for me to request for more webspace or bandwidth?






And one more thing, how stable is this place?

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first u need to request for account here
try to follow rules when requesting

to keep that host u need to b active on this forums. active is no spaming... spamers get deleted. just login often and read the forum, if u find some1 requesting help and u can help him (like I did now with this post)... do it! so like few posts per week should b enough.

there must not b any illegal stuff on your host.. like porn or unautorised videos or mp3's.. ect

about upgrading accounts... 800mb of space and 10GB of bandwight is provided in this free host and if u need more smart thing would b to use paid hosting here couse u will get much more for really cheap price. and if u cant paid for some reason there is allways chance to talk with some of the admins for that cause.

this place had some problems in past few weeks, but that was couse of some problems with old company we had server on... now server is on other place and there should not b any more problems.


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If I were to go away for one week because of business and didn't have access to a computer, thus causing me not to be able to post, will my account be deleted? Or are they not that strict and all I would have to do is tell them?

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If I were to go away for one week because of business and didn't have access to a computer, thus causing me not to be able to post, will my account be deleted?  Or are they not that strict and all I would have to do is tell them?

just make a notice in the forum and u should b fine..
FNH is not that strict but dont abuse that..

just keep helping ppl in forum,

btw, u might like it :)
i just love this forum.. so many interesting things here :lol:

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Sorry for all the qustions, I can explain in my request, I think this might be the last few ones:


(mostly to admin) Do you think this place will ever be shut down (think real hard on this. Three sites laughed it off and said never, three sites died in three months)?


(open to people) How good are the connections with SmartFTP? Id est do people experience any disconnection when they upload things?






I didn't bunch all of these questions up because they didn't occur to me until later on.

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i use smartFTP and its great...as for question fr admin im shure he will say that this is gonna last forever :) (think about it... there is no company on the internet that will say othervise about themselves :lol:)but in my huble opinion i think this1 has good chance to survive and b succesfull.

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I hope so. So do all of my fans.I don't want to have to relocate again......and my fans don't want to have to keep asking other people what the new place is. Thanks guys. I'll consider getting hosted here.

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