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Computer jokes

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c:/con/conor ALT+F4you wouldn't believe how many people try to press ALT+F4 about 10 times and they always wonder why the window is closing. 8) (Usually works in chats...)

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A man comes in to a computer repair shop with a smoking power supply. The service representative was having a bit of trouble convincing this guy that he had a hardware problem.Service Rep: Sir, something has burned within your power supply.Customer: I bet that there is some command that I can put into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file that will take care of this.Service Rep: There is nothing that software can do to help you with this problem.Customer: I know that there is something I can put in... some command... maybe it should go into the CONFIG.SYS.[After a few minutes of going round and round]Service Rep: Okay, I am not supposed to tell anyone this but there is a hidden command in some versions of DOS that you can use. I want you to edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT and add the last line as C:DOSNOSMOKE and reboot your computer.[Customer does this]Customer: It is still smoking.Service Rep: I guess you'll need to call Microsoft and ask them for a patch for the NOSMOKE.EXE.[The customer then hung up. We thought that we had heard the last of this guy. But NO; he calls back four hours later!]Service Rep: Hello, Sir, how is your computer?Customer: I called Microsoft and they said that my power supply is incompatible with their NOSMOKE.EXE and that I need to get a new one. I was wondering when I can have that done and how much it will cost....

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Your ram is so low that when you tried to run pong it froze...ooo...would you like some oil with that computer burn?


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that was lame joke sandman... my h umor is difrent i guess

I don't se you come up with anything better!

I wouldn't expect it either, from someone who understand this:

Your ram is so low that when you tried to run pong it froze...ooo...would you like some oil with that computer burn?

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