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Could you please stop posting in my request?

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Sory to post this here, but it's for the admins to see...

I was the first guy to request freehosting, and because of some stupid folks being posting in my request, it's order is messed up, and now 9 acounts have been created, and mine - I repeat: the first one - is not created yet!

Please some admin, look at my request and see de date it was posted, and creat my acount.

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This is a fair point, I've IM'd the admin about it because I personally don't think it's very fair someone else posting in your request to boost it back in the queue; and bring their's forward.


Something should be done about it; pointing out problems with requests is the admins and moderators jobs, where applicable. Not ours.

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Initially i thought like that... but when I crosschecked it was not... Admin replies according to the time of our posting... from earlier to the latest... not just the way it is pillinng up in the request board. Hope you will get soon...

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Initially i thought like that... but when I crosschecked it was not... Admin replies according to the time of our posting... from earlier to the latest... not just the way it is pillinng up in the request board. Hope you will get soon...

so check the date of my first post (9:09 am GMT) and the time it took an admin to repy (11 hours and a half (8:32 pm GMT)) and look at the time of almost any of the "completed aplications".examples (the first ones):
http://forums.xisto.com/ (9:11 am GMT - reply at 9:54 am GMT)
http://forums.xisto.com/ (9:21 am GMT - reply at 9:59 am GMT)
http://forums.xisto.com/ (9:26 am GMT - reply at 10:49 am GMT)
need more examples? just go to the completed aplications forum

now just explain me how was I the first of ALL requesting free host in the new forum and just got a reply at 8:36 pm GMT?
(for those who want to laugh a bit: in the reply admin said I got to tell the space I need!!! and if you see the "completed aplications" only 1 in 10 say the space!!! --- EDIT: the reply they gave me was now deleted...)

PS: all the hours mentioned are from today - December 08 2004

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i can see now that you are starting spamming ?


dear madame hany:

your spam has been reached to the knowlege of the admins, and its their and your problem now.

why do you say I'm spamming? I've got to agree that this is not the porper place to put this topic, but I'm not harming anyone as you did, posting in other people's requests, wich made them go back in the line.

Are we understand, or should you continue with your childish atitude dear teacher?



~ moved from RFH forum ~ Infraid

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