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FireFox problems: Is it the worst browser?

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There is no comparison between firefox and IE.Firefox wins hands down. I currently have 16 windows open, and i can see what everyone of them is, and access each with one click.Firefox has extensions - when i close firefox, it remembers which windows i had open for the next time i load it etc.All the pop up blocking problems are because people are blind - you get a yellow bar, the same as in IE that says its blocked some pop ups, click to allow them.

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I recently downloaded firefox. If at any time I think that firefox messed up a page or anything like that, I open up the same page in IE and compare the two. So far I have yet to find anything wrong with firefox.

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Firefox runs slow on my work computer, but is three times as fast as IE on my home PC. I think my work computer needs formatted again. Last I checked I was down to 1.5 GB freespace on my system drive. Oh well, another day.

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Most-heard complaints

People didn't understand the interface

Sometimes, it reacted so slow, people thought the network had crashed or the internet connection was down

It freezed and crashed constantly, sometimes sucking more than 90% of the CPU load for no obvious reason

Pages showed up completely wrong or didn't work at all

Wanted pop-ups didn't open

Completed downloads could not be found

Bookmarking gave problems

PDF-files caused crashing

Pages "disappeared" by accidentally using tabular browsing

Lots of obvious keyboard- and mouse shortcuts were missing

?and a lot more complaints I can't remember at the moment

I uninstalled Firefox the next day. Firefox is clearly NOT meant for the general public!



Posted Image


look at here





~ title edited ~ Infraid


I have had none of those problems, firefox is fine, stop moaning :D

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Firefox does suck! Internet explorer is better. and internet explorer is the best for the price and stuff and doesnt realy have problems.

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"FireFox problems: Is it the worst browser?"uh u kidding? that's the worst question about firefox i have ever heard, no hard feelings :D

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WTF YOU POEPLE ARE SUCH PRICKS IF YOU HAVE SOME FRIKIN COMMON SENSE AND COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE YOU KNOW THAT FIREFOX PWNS IE.seriously i really hate this! poeple that htink they know much about computers complaining like this is just *BLEEP*ed up!

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Firefox has been working fantastic for me... I`d been using it now for about 2 months.. Not had a single problem yet!But i installed it on a friends computerAmd 266 processor16 mb graphicswin me128 mb RamWhen i installed its worked fine while i was using the comp. but when i let her take back overe she restred the computer and it loaded up in 16 colours (not safe mode)I could`nt figure out what happened at all.I also noticed she had no antivirus program installed..

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No freaking way!My fixerfox rooles.I have a jukebox, an FTP, mail client, file browser, homeland security threat just cause it looks good, adblock, blocks pop-ups, bla bla.It's like I have my own PC within my browser. Take that IE!

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ok, then wtf is the point of web browsers if there free? lol...

What are you talking about! Theres going to be NO COMPETITION if you have to pay for them. Get with it man, stop posting garbage.

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