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Futur is bittorent ?

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HiContradicting the assertions according to which the lawsuits organized by musical industry would have made it possible cause a drop in the use of the networks peer to peer, a study of Cooperative Association for Internet Dated Analysis (Caida) shows that traffic P2P in bytes represents a constant share, even slightly increasing, total traffic of the Internet in the United States. The American Net surfers would thus not have been diverted networks of exchange of file, but would have migrated of the network which was the subject of the attacks more the sharp, Fasttrack (Kazaa), worms of other systems, in particular BitTorrent whose traffic would have doubled in one year. The study also shows that systems P2P adapt to the monitoring, by quantifying the exchanged packages and by using random numbers of ports, so as to prevent the identification a priori nature of the traffic by the suppliers of access. On the studied connections, traffic P2P would account for approximately 10% of the total traffic (against more than 50% for protocol HTTP of the Web), which would also tend to contradict the assertion (that we ourself relayed) according to which the peer to peer would represent more half of the total traffic of the Internet. It is however probable that while concentrating on the residential subscriptions with high flow, the share of the P2P in the traffic significantly appears more significant.Source: futura scienceBye

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