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Hi all, Just need a little help!

I turned on my laptop about 15 mins ago, The screen came up with the windows was not shutdown properly screen, 1 or more hd disks needs to be checked. (which im familiar with)

But then it went all weird on me.. it was checking thru all my temp internet files. and it kept saying- the entry was truncated

Which as far i can remember ive never had that before when i start up my computers.


Does anybody know what it means? Is it harmful to my laptop. Will it happen again?

It worried me a little because i dont know what it is.



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Hmmm truncated means cut off or shorten...

So maybe it just took some long filenames from your temporary internet files and made them 8 characters, I'm not sure :?:


Sounds weird, but not that much to worry about. I've never heard of this. What program says it did this? Zonealarm?

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lol just ingore it. My computer for no reeason if i leave it alone for 1week i will turn it on then some stupid mesage will come u. I dont know why like every day it shows a new error or something. But you might want to egt that checked becuase you might either need to reinstall all your programs and stuff onto your computer again or have to be a new hard drive. My brother had to reinstall all the programs like 3times last summer becuase it kept crashing and one time it just wouldnt go on again so he ahd to buy a new hard drive. I eman do you have alot of like extra programs as photoshop, etc.. on it? Like alot of stuff like that?

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When windows crashes or is otherwise shut down improperly, it sometimes corrupt one or more files.It is these corrupted files there are being truncated to prevent windows from using them - and crash again.If your computer works allright you can ignore it (since you can't do anything about it), but you should keep in mind that the moore times this happens, the moore likely it is that you one day will find part of windows malfunctioning, or be unable to boot altogether.It is a good idea to take the time to set your computer up from scratch and whem it is just as you want it,take an image of your c drive. If you reload this image every 3 months, you know your computer is always spic and span. :wink:

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why would anyone in their right mind want a Mac.

Macs are for noobs.
if you want some serious power get a Windows PC.
why do you think that there are no viruses specified for macs only!
its because a little percentage of people use macs, and why would someone spend there time trying to hack a piece of crap.

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if you want some serious power get a Windows PC.

What about a Linux PC? Give me one thing in the Windows OS that is extra powerful...

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All these hours, what is your time worth?  :cry: Get a Mac :P You'll bless the day :P  :D  :D

C'mon man, -- Be serious! :P

Nilsmo wrote:What about a Linux PC? Give me one thing in the Windows OS that is extra powerful...

Linux or Windows, one of the great advantages of the PC is, no matter what clone or brand
you're looking at, there's always a dregree of compatibility - which makes it a lot easier to scavenge parts for a repair or new PC. 8)

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