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Impressionant this photograph, Lives the zoom!!!

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Yes, really impressive! Start with you to return on this page: http://www.nextinpact.com/erreur-404?aspxerrorpath=/toutes-les-breves.htm
you will see a photograph there all that there is moreover annodin. Only here is, this photograph is made up of 2.7 billion pixels for a total weight 7.5Go. But do not take fear! You will not have to give the responsability the complete photograph to see it. An animation flash was assembled allowing you zoomer in way really époustouflante on the photograph. Thus of a slightly air sight, you will be able go until reading the number plates of the vehicles, or the detail of the sheets on the trees. This photograph will have required 24h data-processing treatment, three days of assembly distributed on five machines the last cry, and final will have asked for the creation of a special algorithm resembling the tiff.
Have fun

Source: http://www.nextinpact.com/

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I thought this was pretty neat as well.I was more amazed at the zooming program than the picture though!This is kind of funny, click on the 2 circle buildings next to each other down the long road on the right side of the picture. Now keep zooming in until you see the intersection, and center on that instead. Keep zooming in. You will see a guy crossing the street, but his feet are cut off?

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^^ Yes, it's actually two different pictures combined together. So in actualality, it's not just one giant picture, it's two. This picture is pretty amazing though, I wish I had a cam that good. If you zoom in to the tower in the middle of the picture, you can see the clock; it's 3:07!

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