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i added a nrw thing to my site and i would like some feedback. on the sode it sais layout , go check and tell me what you think :shock:
here it is
i am still working on makin it better, like the red and orange is just for testing they will be replaced

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Nice flash use! Only grpahics I don't like is the bar that has the words on it. Looks too basic, I'm pretty sure you can do better with it :)skyglow1

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Nice design. I don't think you need that part of the animation that reveals the eyes. Its not enough of a surprise or new information - just takes up time. Maybe start out with a very light version of the eyes and just darken it up to what it should be as an animation. Do those eyes really say who you are as a designer? The products you're trying to showcase are examples of your work. Maybe rethink your design with only stills of them in some cool way that relates to what they are and uses their design features as a guide to how they should relate to each other.The red fish and the jellyfish are very cool. Maybe just make a stip across the middle with stills of all the good stuff that expands and animates on rollover.

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thank you for the remarks and drumbytes, you hot a point with the eyes thing, i'll think bout it. thanks i like comments like that the work show of was a slide show witin the site before o chaged it to this.


new backgrounds added, not all ready yet, ..


The red fish and the jellyfish are very cool. Maybe just make a stip across the middle with stills of all the good stuff that expands and animates on rollover


can you explain what you mean with this?


comments from other ppl i showed the site to resulted in modifications before. it makes you see the site in i diffrent point of vieuw, so common tell me what can be bettered in your eyes.....

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I thought that if your site is to promo each of the elements in your portfolio you could take stills of them and put them together in a strip along the center and animate them a bit. Like have single ones expand on rollover. I guess the main thing I'm thinking is to make each of the things in your portfolio have a stronger place in the design of the first thing the viewer sees when they load your site. It's still cool the way it is though.

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so any more suggestion?.................any one?.................make sure you check the layout tab left on your screen :shock:

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