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Internet 2

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Has anybody herd of the Internet 2 that they use in collegesand it is kinda software. The internet is kinda like software.

Heres the stuff for it:
Led by more than 200 U.S. universities, working with industry
and government, Internet2 develops and deploys advanced
network applications and technologies for research and higher
education, accelerating the creation of tomorrow's Internet.

All information is from http://www.internet2.edu/

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GGR wrote:Has anybody herd of the Internet 2 that they use in collegesand it is kinda software. The internet is kinda like software.  

Heres the stuff for it:  
Led by more than 200 U.S. universities, working with industry  
and government, Internet2 develops and deploys advanced  
network applications and technologies for research and higher  
education, accelerating the creation of tomorrow's Internet.  

All information is from http://www.internet2.edu/

You'we got your wires crossed.
When you talk about the internet, you obviously mean www.
WWW is the biggest, but by no means the only network on the internet.
When you surf the internet, you sometimes drift in and out of other
networks, without even realizing it. But most are private and/or closed
to the general public. Www have had many challengers, and i suspect internet2 is just that.
What is interesting, from your description, is that they seem to use the same model
arpanet used in the 70'es. Arpanet was the original 'internet'.
It still exist, as 1 of the many networks out there.
Www started out as a communiction pipeline for the physicists at CERN.

Software yes because the internet uses browsers that are software(internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape)

A browser is just a shell. You don't need a browser to surf the 'internet'.
You can do it from the commandline, but it wouldn't be much fun without the
audiovisual experience a GUI provide. :P

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If its a work in progress, and no one uses it, then there wouldnt be any applications for it... so there must be a contradiction somewhere...

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Internet 2 is just one of many implementations of the SIP protocol. All Internet "apps" take advantage of some type of protocol to communicate...e.g. HTTP, FTP. SIP is a protocol that attempts to merge your phone number, IP, and email address into one identity. It seems to have a misleading name considering it builds upon the legacy components of the current internet. The new protocol to look at is IPv6...this protocol is on a lower level than SIP, and fixes many of the problems of the current internet. It allows us to have enough IP addresses to reference every grain of sand on earth as well as cuts the IP header to a standard 40 bytes. It will speed up streaming media and allow every electronic device you own to have an IP address....the down side of this protocol is the grace period it is going to take in order to move from IPv4 to IPv6...approximately 5-10 years

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Well if that is Internet 2 is that were "www2."something".com comes from? I have seen where you can get free www2 address but the link never works. Somebody please clarify the www2, thank you. :D

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No it is not "internet2". Some larger websites uses the www2 and www3 prefix to map to specific pages or subdirectories in their websites, and some search-engine crawlers and spiders(robots) uses it as a temporary prefix while they are assessing the website. But more commonly, people are just using it to be different. There's absolutely no difference between www, www2, and www3. The use of one will exclude the use of the other two in any domain name.

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