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should I be concerned?

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As this is the feedback section, I feel obligated to say that I am quite concerned about the downtime of my site the last few weeks or so. There has been some serious downtime on several occasions in the last few weeks. I am looking for a steady service offered by a host. The promise made on your homepage (99% up) hasn't been kept so far. I don't think a little strong critisism would hurt at this point. An honest answer wouldn't either. Are you able to stick to your pro

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Dude, you pay for it ??


If you dont, maybe its time for you to look for a paid account.


Last time i talked with the admin he told me that was a problem at theplanet servers.


Personnaly i think *BLEEP*in like this is not goin to help you gettin it faster !




........oh and just for you i found this on the forums, it was posted 4 hours earlier ........

your account or your files still on the server. You just need to wait 24 more hours and your site will be running.

~ have merged your double post ~ Infraid

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